Walter *********
This is a summary of
Walter *********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 8 comments.



Walter **********
I have a new granddaughter. An, would. Love. To. Be there. At her baptism. Just. Would not to miss. Being there. Family and friends. Are, doing. What they can. To help.
Walter **********
Thank you. For, your advice. I have an appointment. Tomorrow. With a warden. Of America, Thailand, relation.just nerves, about spending and getting a loan. Then not. Being, able to depart.
Walter **********
Go look. At
@Walter *********
.what does. Any of this concern. You. Can you help. Me get, back to. My family and friends. Only,
Walter **********
That's. What, I was concerned about. The visa, or overstay. Charged. The Thai government . Can hold. Up a departure. Out, of the country. That's, why I'm asking. All, of your advice. Before, I go to the. U. S. A. an Thai embassy. Is there. Any question. I should ask.
Walter **********
My farther. Was a veteran. In the Army C. B. (construction battling) I was born on my father's. Birthday August 15th, 1969. So, I .possess. Both. U,.S.A. and Thailand birth certificate. A long. With a The U. S. A. And Thailand brother from abroad. Certificate. An glade to meet. You
Walter **********
I spoke. To the Thai. Passport. Imirrgation services. But, did quite. Understand. I'm going to the American embassy. For help. With, the help of family and friends. In America an Thailand.