I was at the same office as I was all the last times and it always extended from the expiration day. I'm going back and see if I can do something. My main issue is also that my passport runs out of pages and I'm waiting for documents from my home country for a proper visa, until then I need to stretch time with the least amount of pages possible.
no it was not. They told me when I applied that it's gonna be from the day that mine expires but today the stamp didn't do exactly that. I asked but they said "no, it's the new rules".. now I think about going back right now and try to talk it through again. Not sure
But show me a normal person that waits until the last day 2pm and go to apply absolutely last minute 😅 they could have done the announcement at 5pm as well, in any case most people would have run there by today early morning.
This is insane. I went today.. lost now a total of 5-6 weeks 😅 but according to the officer I didn't lose as I GOT something 🤗 yeah. Thank you Thailand
this applies also if you had a volunteer visa in between?
Eg. Entering with exempt on arrival. Extending normal, getting on a 3 months volunteer visa (the month where COVID extension was officially announced AFTER the deadline) and after that being on COVID extensions.