Christopher ********
This is a summary of
Christopher ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 4 comments.



Christopher *********
@Tod ********
I got the previous extension at Rayong Immigration. First time doing it here in Bangkok.
Christopher *********
@Benjamin *****
I'm trying to figure if I could go sooner as 7 days before my visa is the final day of amnesty and with many things that could go wrong, I am uncomfortable leaving it that late.
Christopher *********
@Tod ********
Thanks, they told me to come back within 7 days of my visa expiring so Friday the 24th. Hence why I am asking if we can do it earlier. I think they have a queue of 50 people a day or so, seems low.
Christopher *********
@James *******
My TM30 was filed online by my landlord last month. I have it printed out. I got my COVID extension in Rayong province and have since moved to Nonthaburi.

I visited immigration on Friday, they tried to send me to CW. I showed them that I already went then they tried to tell me to get a TM30, I showed them I had, then they tried to say amnesty ends on the 27th and my visa on the 1st but I told them we're supposed to apply 2 weeks earlier then they said get the landlord's ID card and Household Registration Authority. I showed them I had it so they said come back on the 24th.

I just realized the 24th is a holiday...