Stuart *********
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Stuart *********
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Stuart *********
@Kevin *****
210 days if my maths is correct - so 7 months-ish

1. Get a 60 day tourist via in your home country

2. Extend in Thailand for 30 days

3. Border bounce to get another 30 days visa exempt (if applicable)

4. Extend in Thailand for 30 days

5. Second border bounce to get another 30 days visa exempt (if applicable)

6. Extend in Thailand for another 30 days
Stuart *********
@Coryanne ******
My pleasure. Freaked me out when I was in line and they took my partner away!
Stuart *********
Apologies - I thought that stamp above was an overstay (Albeit 24hr) stamp. Have amended my comment above
Stuart *********
You may get taken away from the passport booth to a senior immigration officer to get that stamp and signature. Don't panic! This is normal.

Doesn't affect entry next time you go to Thailand
Stuart *********
Once you're stamped out, you're technically out of the country even if you are still airside at the airport. Just stamp out on the 28th and you'll be fine.