Heather *************
This is a summary of
Heather *************
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 13 comments.



Heather **************
@Tod ********
super thank you so much for all your help!

Yes I went to the Chiang mai office earlier in the year and gathered the paperwork for NON-O with Thai Husband extension according to their check list just wanted to double check.
Heather **************
@Kevin **********
ohhh I didn’t realise we could make an appointment, will definitely do that next time thank you! 🙏🏼 The people outside are trying their best, they are great with the COVID extensions. Just wish they listened to me or sent me inside if they didn’t know something themselves which they clearly didn’t in this case. Just so grateful to have this group so I always know what to ask for/what I need beforehand.
Heather **************
Okay just a follow up. At Chiang mai and had all the paperwork ready for a 60 day extension. Either based on COVID or Thai family. The guys outside who guard the fort said I have to apply for my non -o even though I insisted I didn’t have enough days left… I urged I just wanted a 60 day extension but they didn’t listen and made me make two copies of everything and fill in all the forms etc. finally get the ticket to go inside and the guy at the info counter says I don’t have enough days left! So I said I know and whipped out all my paperwork for the Thai Family extension. Got sent straight to that counter and just waiting for my extension.

Possibly the most frustrating thing and wasted at least an hour of my morning- I should have tried to bypass the outside bit first but it’s their system here and I would have kept getting sent outside until I had my little entry card haha
Heather **************
@Brandon ***********
thanks Brandon! Yeah the problem is with Chiang Mai you have to get all your paperwork approved outside before you can get in front of an immigration officer. I will see if I am approved to go in with both sets of paperwork to ask. I will be heading back to the UK for a couple of months this summer so I don’t mind using my one time visiting Thai family extension. Thank you for your advice I am probably stressing over nothing! The guy just got me worried when he said lots of people have been denied.
Heather **************
@Tod ********
thank you Tod! Yeah exactly I am just buying days so I can sort my Non-O visa, I just really don’t want the dreaded 7 day stamp of doom. I will be heading back to the UK at some point this Summer for a couple of months so it won’t really matter if I used my one family extension.
Heather **************
@John *********
thank you so much, yes I will bring my husband. Going to have a much better sleep now I am not panicking about my immigration visit tomorrow haha thank you 🙏🏼
Heather **************
@John *********
yes I am officially married, have all the documentation from the amphur, husband’s house book, photos inside house etc and never had this extension previously. okay that’s good news, I was sure I could get a 60 day family extension. The guy only seemed to know about the year extension or covid
Heather **************
Thank you everyone I feel much better now! 🙏🏼 hope you all have a great Tuesday