It has not. I understand the visa is valid for 5 years and the 180 day reporting. Some of the visas however need to be used, meaning checked in Thailand within 90 days or they expire and you have to apply again. Meaning in this case you get the visa in your home country, great but if you dont even go to Thailand for the first time, to really validate it, for 2 years say. Has it not been validated. Maybe it doesnt matter but in m case, I want to apply now and want to go now but still open ended on wrapping up a couple things that I must. I would love to get there next month and perhaps will but ifthings dont go according to plan, then I may not make it until feb/march. I read somewhere ofiicla but cant remember that a visa must be used by a certain date but, that ma be a short tourist visa. Its worth clarifying.