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, sounds about right with everything else we're seeing :) amnesty extension not happening considering the appointment website has added a specific 'Tourist Visa Extension' option in the past week - so seems more than likely that's the plan. also, would be ridiculous if they were asked thousands of people to book slots & come in just to reject them.. so hoping they are lenient atleast on people who have not yet claimed one before. just wish they announced all this earlier!
Tab *****
, is this ^ for certain now, then? If so, that's great news, because we've been told about conflicting reports on this page about people on SETV/METV (who fell into amnesty *before* having to buy their 30-day extension) still getting their extension requests rejected even with all the correct paperwork?
Tab *****
I understand some people have failed, but with that aside - for a tourist visa extension for general purposes (nothing specific e.g. medical reasons), is the application form + photograph + 1900THB all that would be required? I've heard horror stories of people being asked for photos of where they're staying and so on.. trying to make sure I have everything possible ready for the day in case they try to pull a fast one!