Matt ********
This is a summary of
Matt ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 13 comments.



Matt *********
Yeah, for me, a long weekend in Laos, or Vietnam or Cambodia every couple of months sounds pretty good really, I’ve never been, good opportunity to learn to ride too perhaps 🙂 I’m sure it’d become a chore after a while but hey, gotta take the good with the bad. And yeah, maybe not 100% of your assets but if you know its a calculated risk, then don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose I guess.
Matt *********
Mm, it does feel pretty excessive from an Aussie point of view. I assume its an attempt to preserve their culture and national identity
Matt *********
TM30... never heard of that, I’d that difficult or just like, standard paperwork?
Matt *********
Yeah a few people have suggested the same, that sounds like it might be a great idea
Matt *********
Oh cheers! Problem is, we’re not married yet, we were planning on doing that in Thailand. We were think maybe a 1 year multi entry visa from Australia instead of the 60 day tourist visa?
Matt *********
Unless ive spelt it wrong which is entirely possible lol
Matt *********
Mm, the last thing I want to do is break the law in Thailand, way too scary.