I haven’t posted any intentions and I haven’t suggested doing anything “illegal”
I have simply posed what I believe is a reasonable question and sort others knowledge and experience in that regard.
I’m not claiming we are married under any definition. On the contrary I am being transparent on our circumstances and would be in any applications as well.
My personal opinion, and it is only that, is that it would be wrong to seperate a father from his baby unnecessarily even under these circumstances.
But if that is the case then I will have to make a decision at that point on whether to travel or not.
The purpose of this post was to get a clearer idea on the reqs and realities on the ground to aid in making an informed decision on whether to progress matters further.
This is not for a holiday and would be for a longer period move. If that is not possible or I will be separated from my child then that makes the decision easier - not necessarily the decision I want but it is a decision all the same.
I respect Thailand’s position on marriage and and have no issue with it. But that’s not to say, like with most things, that exceptions to certain rules can be allowed under the right circumstances and/or context. hence my original motivation in posting this question.
Thanks to Ruth and all that have replied. I appreciate it.