Do partners who are not married need to stay in separate rooms during ASQ in Thailand?

December 19, 2020
4 years ago
Jonathan *********
When booking the ASQ, do you and your partner need to be married to share a room?

We’re not married but have been together many years and have an 18 month old baby, who would be travelling with us.

Would hate for us to have to be separated for two weeks.

Can anyone confirm if this would be the case?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
In Thailand, it is generally required that couples share a room only if they are legally married, with some hotels enforcing this rule strictly. Non-married couples may face separation during ASQ (Alternative State Quarantine) unless they can provide documentation, such as a birth certificate for their child, which might help in requesting accommodation in the same room. It is advisable to directly contact hotels for their specific policies regarding this issue.
Steve *************
You will not be allowed to stay in the same room unless you are legally married, and have the paperwork to prove’s crazy, but it’s thailand... my Thai gf and I have been stuck in Laos for the last nine months in a hotel there, and were told that we could NOT share a room in Quarantine as a Covid precaution??? Because we were NOT married, so I booked in foreigners quarantine in Bangkok, and my gf went across the border to the FREE Thai quarantine, and she was told that she had to share a room, with another female??? Unless she paid for a separate’s NOT about a virus, it’s about money.....Covid is a hoax...
Cliff *********
Neither poor,nor a “ thing thank you.
Cliff *********
I hope the moment you sent your drivel you felt manly,good,and warm inside. It is people like you who kept moron Trump in power......enjoy your anti vaccine, world conspiracy group.
Steve *************
@Cliff ********
you poor thing
Jeremy *****
@Steve ************
back off the kool aid calling it a hoax. I know several people that have died from it, and several that have caught it and recovered.

That quarantine setup is bogus though
Steve *************
@Jeremy ****
these people that you CLAIM “died from it”, were they over 60, have a pre existing condition, a heavy drinker/smoker, were they overweight, did they exercise regularly and have a healthy diet???? If any of these were involved then they didn’t die from Covid.... ITS A HOAX Mr Kool aid
Cliff *********
Conspiracy theorists love to pull facts and figures out of their ass and present them in non sequitor fashion......$39,000 a day ? What hospital? And Steve ...where did these government conspiracy meetings take place? Who attended? You think Russia,China,and USA all agreed ?
Garrett ***********
To be fair, if there ever was going to be world wide conspiracy, the USA would definitely be in on it.
Steve *************
@Cliff ********
you fuqin moron
Cliff *********
Paul, I can speak with 100% assurances that America is not in on your international coup.
Steve *************
@Cliff ********
so why are hospitals getting paid up to $39,000 USD to put people on a ventilator??? Wake up...
Cliff *********
Hardly a hoax, for sure not a Universal conspiracy.....governments make choices....then we make choices....if you don’t like how Thailand is handling it ,don’t come in. As an American in Thailand I am happy withThai restrictions.
Steve *************
@Cliff ********
bbbbaaaaaa, 🐑
Paul *******
@Cliff ********
You have no idea how conspiracies work. This event has been in the planning works for probably close to 20 years.
Raoul *******
@Steve ************
👍Something very fishy going on 😬
Brian *********
@Raoul ******
very fishy indeed, Thailand is going to suffer badly unless they stop these unnecessary requirements, Thai people I love and I know many in the 20 years I've been going, and let's face it every country on the planet is suffering ,and I agree with Steve ausiediver that this whole charade is a worldwide government controlled HOAX
Paul *******
@Brian ********
It's crazy though...the Thai economy, which was on the rebound is still expected to be the 9th worst performing economy out of the 10 ASEAN nations this year (earlier in the year it was predicted to be right down the bottom). These insane control measures will cause further GDP losses, especially as we're heading into one of the two major holiday periods for Thais.
Garrett ***********
9th worst out of 10 means they're 2nd best.
Luc ************
Dont you have something like a cohabitaton contract in the country you live in?
Rima ****************
Check centre point pratunman
Jim ********
@Park ************************
what’s your view on a couple (not married) sharing a room as they have had a baby together. Is that allowed in your hotel?
Rima ****************
@Jim *******
yeah that would be awful to not share a room when you're basically family now, paper or not!
Jim ********
Lindsey **********
Maybe it’s time for a shotgun wedding at the registry office
March **********
All hotels will send you this message
Zabel ******************
@March *********
Did you try as I mention with the birth certificate with both your names on it that has worked for some
March **********
@Zabel *****************
I have a marriage certificate. So we are good.
Zabel ******************
@March *********
Well noted the reason I mention is that in some cases it has worked for people who was not marriage but had a kid or kid's together
Wayne ********
yes i have friends just returned from UK and not married so had to take separate rooms but they managed to get a hotel with adjoining rooms and a door between the rooms which they opened .......
Fred *********
That’s why I’m not going back,everything I’ve heard is, you have to be married
Paul *****************
Not married 2 different Rooms.
Arcadia ****
Pm you
Bob **********
Why not ask the hotel
Jonathan *********
@Bob *********
thanks. We will as others have suggested above. Cheers
Bob **********
@Jonathan ********
I do think you'll be ok but best to check I think as long as you arrive together
Ruth *******
If you have such strong feelings about being separated (not to mention the potential unexpected expense), I'm not sure I would take the chance of traveling and being disappointed once you arrive. Thailand has pretty strong opinions on their view of marriage, common law marriage and children born "out of wedlock". Even if a hotel told me it would be ok, I'm not sure I would feel confident that the government might not intervene.

Jonathan *********
@Ruth ******
I haven’t posted any intentions and I haven’t suggested doing anything “illegal”

I have simply posed what I believe is a reasonable question and sort others knowledge and experience in that regard.

I’m not claiming we are married under any definition. On the contrary I am being transparent on our circumstances and would be in any applications as well.

My personal opinion, and it is only that, is that it would be wrong to seperate a father from his baby unnecessarily even under these circumstances.

But if that is the case then I will have to make a decision at that point on whether to travel or not.

The purpose of this post was to get a clearer idea on the reqs and realities on the ground to aid in making an informed decision on whether to progress matters further.

This is not for a holiday and would be for a longer period move. If that is not possible or I will be separated from my child then that makes the decision easier - not necessarily the decision I want but it is a decision all the same.

I respect Thailand’s position on marriage and and have no issue with it. But that’s not to say, like with most things, that exceptions to certain rules can be allowed under the right circumstances and/or context. hence my original motivation in posting this question.

Thanks to Ruth and all that have replied. I appreciate it.
Benjamin ******
@Ruth ******
You're right about Thailand not validating the common law marriages, however there's another way how they can stay together:

> and have an 18 month old baby, who would be travelling with us.

18 month olds can NOT be alone in a quarantine hotel.
Ruth *******
@Benjamin *****
The baby can stay with one of the two parents. Of course the child would not stay alone. There is a very clear answer to this question on the webpage, "Only married couples are allowed to stay in one room or parent and children." I'm not sure why there would be an open discussion about violating Thai law on a page we know the Thai government monitors. I think it would be very chancy to arrive assuming there would be no issues.

Anyway, I have nothing invested here. I've offered the information that is available. I think it's a costly chance to take. Hotels don't make the laws. Even if they say it would be fine, if they get caught, it would be costly to them and Jonathan would still be in a jam. As I said before, he can take from the information what he will. It *is* illegal. He *could* get caught (he's posted on Facebook his intentions and he will be applying for a visa where he needs to list his hotel). I honestly don't care what he chooses to do. My conscience is clear by sharing my two cents.
Rima ****************
@Ruth ******
there you go they say children and parent can stay together, so they could maybe get away with children + 2 parents...
Jonathan *********
@Ruth ******
appreciate the reply but don’t feel this is particularly relevant or helpful to the point at hand.
Rob ******
@Jonathan ********
Yes but a great plug for a law company who one might guess specializes in divorces as expensively as possible
Ruth *******
@Jonathan ********
I believe it is, because the Thai government requires that those who share a room be married. The above link shows what the Thai government considers "married". You may take away from it what you will, but it is not irrelevant.
Zabel ******************
Some hotel's will approve it if you send the official birth certificate on the baby along with both your names on it
Jonathan *********
Zabel ******************
@Jonathan ********
You can also add a visual plus point and that would be a photo of you all tree together and then The birth certificate
Jonathan *********
@Zabel *****************
that’s a good idea. I like that. Thank you
Gordon *********
email a few hotels you can get lucky
Bobby ********
Gordon Spencer. The hotel might swing it, but getting an ASQ contract is pretty lucrative in these dire times, and they're supposed to follow the government rules to the dot
Jonathan *********
@Gordon ********
so it’s at the hotels discretion rather than an actual rule?

We want to come but there is no way I am being separated from my partner and child for two weeks. That would be plain ridiculous
Rima ****************
@Jonathan ********
many hotels interpret the rules by themselves
Rima ****************
@Jonathan ********
yes my friend emailed some hotels and got lucky try it
John *******
Yes , married certificate reqd
Stuart *********
You need to be married to share a room.
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