I am presently in UK. I hold an O-A visa which expires on 29 August 2020 with a Thailand exit date of 16 January 2021, kept 'alive' by a single-entry, re-entry permit. Ordinarily, I would have re-entered just before my visa expiry date, 29 Aug 2020 and would have expected to be stamped into Thailand for almost a further year, until Aug 2021. However, due to Covid-19, this is looking increasing unlikely, although I may still be able to enter before my stamped in date, in which case, I would still have to leave by 16 Jan 21 and would potentially lose up to 8 months of stay. Is there any way I can recover those 8 months? Is there any special provision, amnesty or waiver for those who have passed their visa expiry dates due to Covid-19?