For the visa gurus who run this fantastic page. I have asked similar questions and will probably ask again as I’m thinking about a year ahead here.
I wish to marry and live in Thailand in about a years time.
Trying to find the best visa information for me.
I don’t have a lot of money but will have enough for the required bank account deposit but I’m not sure my monthly income will meet the test as I will be in pension.
I have just read on consul website.
Deposit Acc and proof of a min 800,000 month AUD$34,000 year which is confusing me 800,000 baht month is around AUD$32k/$34k is it a year or per month.
I want the cheapest possible way to stay and wish to know do you have to have the bank Acc dep every time you apply for renewal of visa ?
As I said I will have the bank dep no problem but my income will be around 32,000 baht per month.
What is my best option Visa wise ?
I dint mind if I have to leave the country once it twice a year to a neighbouring country for renewal of visa but I’m concerned about the income stuff ?
I want a marriage visa or retirement visa but it’s all so complicated I’m unsure.