What should I do if I am stuck in a loop between the hotel and immigration regarding my TM30 registration?

May 5, 2021
3 years ago
Edward ********
Strange experience today. Any thoughts? 2nd Covid extension application. CW not happy with screenshot print proofs of TM30 done online by the hotel, sent me to MTT to do a fresh paper TM30, but then... MTT said Not needed, and you can't, because your hotel has already filed.

Time was up and I'll have to go back to CW tomorrow. I told MTT I'm scared CW will just bounce me right back to MTT, vicious circle... How the heck do I break this loop??
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user shares a frustrating experience regarding their second Covid extension application, highlighting confusion over the TM30 registration process. They were directed by immigration (CW) to provide additional paperwork despite their hotel claiming that TM30 was already filed online. After visiting the MTT office, they learned that the hotel’s filing was sufficient. The user expresses concern about potentially being sent back and forth between CW and MTT without resolution, and has since received advice on obtaining proper documentation.
Edward ********
Update.. Yesterday I had screenshots of everything EXCEPT the "saved" (submitted and accepted) page that
@Tod ********
mentions. They never told me. I will take my crystal ball in future.

I accosted the hotel owner early and he redid it online and I photographed it. It's his first TM30....!(?)

I respect people doing things by the book but I am dismayed by this run-around. MTT looked at me as if I was making it up, they said it was totally unnecessary me being there. They could do things by the book AND let the rest of us know what's going on. Ends rant :-D

AND thanks a million for your help and support. Lessons learned :-)
Tod *********
The online program has no "print receipt" function, so they only way you can show proof is to take a screen grab of the data (AFTER it was saved) to show it was filed. Immigrations know this and I've never had a problem with them accepting printed screen grabs.
Benjamin ******
Did you ask why they were not happy? What were they expecting?
Ellie *******
if you are still staying that hotel, talk to the manager about this issue. Then get the direct number so that IO can contact the PIC of the hotel next time they are not happy with the document from the hotel.
Edward ********
@Benjamin *****
- Both the first desk (for queue numbers) and the desk who dealt with me had the A4 cut-off slip from the paper TM30 under the glass of their desks, they both tapped on this and said "no, you need to bring us this."

I said it's a hotel and they've done it online, but it made no difference.
Benjamin ******
@Hazel **********
What was the document that you showed to immigration? Can you post a redacted screenshot?
Edward ********
@Benjamin *****
- It's three screens of the online system. Last time I only brought the landscape screen with the columns, and they accepted that. I'll try to post if I can redact them.
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