What are the limitations and requirements for a Brazilian applying for a Non-O visa based on marriage in Thailand?

January 10, 2024
9 months ago
Hi guys.

Sorry if I get confused with the terminologies about visas and entries, please correct me if I do. I'm Brazilian, I can stay 90 days visa free as a tourist (I don't need to go to any embassy or need evisa to enter Thailand, the bilateral agreement has been set a couple of years ago and it's never changed)

I have some questions, I think they're common but different in their own way (same same but diffelant)

1 - is there any limit on the 90 days, non-o single entry visa based on marriage? I want to marry my gf, but I can't prove I have 400k in my account. She and her family are ok with me being "poor" falang, we already sorted out the personal issues of dowry and wedding. I'm worried about the immigration office and passport control. The point is that if I live with her and have a place to stay I can save money eventually and have the 400k baht in the near future

2 - I have stayed maybe around 5 months in Thailand last year in total. In 2023 I entered in January, left in March, and stayed one and a half month away. Came back in May and left in August. Do you think I may have any problems when coming back now by air? I'll buy a ticket out of Thailand just in case

3 - Can I apply for a work permit if I have the 90 days non-o single entry based on marriage? I doubt it, since it's very little time and it doesn't seem interesting for the kingdom. I work remotely, but I'd like some extra work

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TLDR : Answer Summary
A Brazilian citizen can enter Thailand visa-free for 90 days, but for a Non-O visa based on marriage, they need to demonstrate financial stability with 400,000 baht. While it is possible to apply for the Non-O in a consulate outside Thailand, the requirement of 400k can pose a challenge if not met. Frequent visa runs can give time to accumulate the necessary funds. Additionally, once granted the Non-O visa based on marriage, one can apply for a work permit in Thailand.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
Stuart *********
Once you have the Non O visa based on marriage you can apply for a work permit.
Stuart *********
beat me to it 😃
Brandon ************
Like Stuart said, if you want to switch to the non-O without the funds and give yourself time to save up, you can do visa runs to Savannakhet. They are still doing the single entry non-O marriage visa without proof of funds. It's going to get very annoying very fast to travel to Laos every 90 days though.

There shouldn't be any problem with you working on this visa though as long as you have the required work permit.
Terary **********
@Brandon ***********
I applied for my 90day marriage visa online (USA). They didn't ask for proof of funds. I don't know if that is a US thing or not. Also, I have been able to apply online while not being in the US. The US embassy seems flexible on the matter regardless of what the eVisa website says. That is the US embassy the I am not sure about Brazilian embassy.

I also work remotely, without any kinda of work permit. Up until recently remote work was kinda of a unheard concept in the Thai government. This group has individuals with opinions and not always do those opinions matter, the immigration office nor embassy, does not consult this group to make decisions. You will find good advice here but not all the advice is good.

If I were in your position, I would look for more remote work instead of trying to find work locally. Unless of course you already have something lined up.

It's possible to get a 1-year marriage visa extension without funds, sometimes. You would go to an agent and they would charge you a few bucks. They would deposit the funds for 5 minutes, you would get a bank statement, you would transfer the funds back to them. That agent would have a friend in immigration (tea money).
Simão ****************
Part-time or freelance work*
Terary **********
@Simão ***************
my clients and bank accounts are in the US. I send money to Thailand once a month. Thailand knows about the money I send to the Thailand but they have no way to know about money that stays in the US. What I am trying to say is they have no way to know if you are freelancing or not. I have never been asked by people who matter if I work in Thailand.

I think Thailand's two larger concerns: A) Are you taking a job from a Thai person and B) are you paying your taxes.

Taxes are a lesser concern, but the government has said they'll crack-down on that, some day.
Simão ****************
@Terary *********
I think you were also talking to me, weren't you? Hehe

Yeah it makes sense what you say. Your advice is good, also I'd rather to have some part-time or freelancing, but I think in Thailand this doesn't work, especially with a work permit.

Thanks for the input, I'll try to apply the 90 days non o online as well
Phil ***********
Is Savannakhet the preferable place to visit if its required to leave Thailand?
Brandon ************
@Phil **********
it doesn't required an appointment so is the choice for many
Phil ***********
@Brandon ***********
Thanks for all your help
Steve *******
Brandon Thurkettle You can get the single entry Non Imm O in Vientiane also without funds, and the OP can get a 60 days extention to his initial 90 days entry
Simão ****************
@Brandon ***********
I see, yeah it can be quite exhausting but I tend to see it as a temporary predicament, i hope in the near future I can sort it out for good

Thank you for the help!
Stuart *********
As a Brazilian passport holder you can enter Thailand with a visa waiver stamp for 90 days.

You can do this entry as many times as you like as it’s based on a bilateral agreement but you are limited to 90 days per time.

I’m not 100% sure you can transfer that to a non O in country but I’ll check. You may need to visit a nearby consulate to get the initial non O based on marriage.

The 400k in a bank is a requirement. Perhaps a few border bounces for a new 90 day stamp will give you the time needed to get the funds.
Stuart *********
It appears there is no issue transferring to a marriage Visa Non O in country for a Brazilian passport but you’d need X amount of days left on a valid stamp depending on the office you use. Typically X is 15-21 days. You’d need to check with your office on their requirements.
Simão ****************
Stuart Cumming thank you for your help! I'll check at the local IO how I can proceed
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