Opening a Thai bank account with a digital work visa (DTV) can be complex and varies by bank. Some users report being able to open accounts using a DTV with additional documentation, while others state it poses challenges as banks often require proof of a one-year or longer visa. Several comments suggest that working with an agent could facilitate the process, and some banks, like Bangkok Bank, are more lenient regarding account openings with tourist visas. Bringing a Thai-speaking person or obtaining personal accident insurance may also help streamline the process.
i transfer using wise into my thai bank account. My thai bank obviously reports money coming into my account from outside of thailand. I don't fall under any tax obligations this year because I was in Thailand for less than 180 days. DISCLAIMER I am not a tax lawyer. I highly advise you take your personal situation to one of them to advise you. Buttttt from what I heard after listening to several lawyers is since the money I'm bringing into thailand is already tax exempted in my country USA I fall under the tax treaty of not being double taxted in Thailand and America. At the end of next year I assume I might have to show my tax records from America and bank statements from thailand. As long as I brought over less money or the same amount of money that I earned and was already taxed. There should be no taxes to pay in Thailand. This is still really new and I haven't heard anything from any forigners personal experiences paying taxes here yet. You might have yo wait till about April or May of this next year before everything becomes really clear. But once again it's only 3 or 4,000 baht to talk to a lawyer some are even cheaper. I would seriously consider talking to one or two of them and see what they have to say about your personal situation because with taxes everyone has a different situation.
Reply to
Cole *********
Tom *******
I’ve tried with several banks. They need to see more than 1 year on your passport page and the DTV digital one only states 6 months.
If you got the DTV from an Embassy with the full 5 years stated it’s fine and you can open an account with any bank.
I’m sure they will change it soon but until then you would have to pay someone to set it up or if you buy life insurance they will let you set it up in some branches.
Swamm ***********
Yes. I've done at Ttb bank. But Had to talk for like 2 hours😁.
Best to take a Thai speaking person of repute with you if at all possible (schoolteachers are well respected). Bank staff like their commission so be prepared to buy Personal Accident Insurance. It is worth it particularly if you have no other form of insurance. It covers moto accidents up to age 65. The cost of an annual policy is similar to the amount you would pay an agent.
Kenan ******
Yes you can with Bangkok bank only, you can even with tourist visa
? Having thai bank account is important, deal with any tax later as of now it's unknown if anything will happen. Living thailand need bank account and thai licence, makes life easier
Sure, you can open bank account with DTV and some additional documents. No need to buy insurance anymore. I already share the requirements in this group.
Arawan *******
I help my bf with Bangkok bank.
He can open his bank account with them.
Central festival Phuket branch
*Certificate of residence from the immigration
*Copy of house rental contract included the blue book (home registration), ID card of owner.
*5900 thb accident insurance from bangkok insurance 1 year covered
*599 thb for ATM card
*500 thb for desposit in your bank account
*Any documents or proof that you will live in Thailand for longterm and you re not a scammer.