Has anyone been refused entry to Thailand due to number of times visited? I am worried they won't let me in 😅
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Many expats have reported instances of being questioned or even denied entry to Thailand, particularly if they frequently visit on visa-exempt entries or tourist visas. While entry decisions ultimately lie with the immigration officer, having a proper visa increases the chances of smooth entry. Recent travelers suggest carrying proof of onward travel, accommodation bookings, and adequate cash can help. There have been mixed experiences; some have traveled multiple times without issues, whereas others faced scrutiny or denial after several consecutive visits. It is advised to be prepared and understand the nuances of immigration rules, especially after extensive stays.
I've been living in Thailand for around 12 years and I'm only 37. Never been denied entry, and rarely been ask proof of fund or onward ticket. I simply avoid BKK and Phuket airport, and Poi Pet land entry. You can enter from anywhere else very easily.
Maxim ***********
Visa exempt, Tourist Visa, Volunteer Visa, Non-O (Marriage). But 80% of it was visa exempt or tourist visa. I'm currently on Single Entry Non-O but before that I did 2x visa exempt by land in 2023. Fear mongering is counter productive and mostly factually incorrect. What matter is not google or what a 65 years old angry old fart who haven't done a visa run in 20 years think. What matter is a mix of personal experience and report from people who did said visa or border run. You will notice in this group that the reports are always from BKK, Phuket and Poipet, never from anywhere else. The small anecdotal evidences from any other port of entry has been debunked everytime it's been presented (whether because of person was trying a 3rd land entry on visa exempt in a calendar year or didn't have 20k baht).
you have been living here all this time on a tourist visa? wow, you have avoided issues, but I can't think that will last forever..
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Sam *********
Harry **********
happened to me last month at Suvarnabhumi. Had to fly out the country on the same airline I flew in on. Avoid being denied entry as it looks bad on your history.
i know but i am asking about experiences to have an idea, and inmigrations oficers have only some margin of desition, they can not deny too fast and also they can not acept everyone always if they dont want to get fired.
It's 1900B and if you are denied an extension you will likely get a "Extension denied, 7 days to leave Thailand" stamp. The 1900B is not to purchase an extension, it's to submit an application so you get nothing back.
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Graham ******
Stéfan ********
Hasn't happened to me but some friends were refused entry, given a warning or given a one week entry authorisation to pack up and leave.
Ric ****
Be calm, compliant, and don't get intimidated by a few questions...if you got nothing to hide, you should be fine..,
Yep. It happened to an acquaintance of mine. He attempted to do what I guessed was his 15th or 18th visa run. He had been on back to back visa exemption stamps for more than a year. They told him to get a retirement visa, or else, he'd only be allowed 4-5 months per year. The funny thing is that he was in his late fifties (at an age when he could qualify for retirement visa) and was an ex fireman on full disability after a serious accident (no problem with money). But he preferred to stash his £4-5K monthly disability pension in property back in the UK rather than do the same in Thailand. He left for Cambodia and never came back.
Yeah i like Trump ! The crime rate in Norway have increased more that 300% after the gouverment started to import refugees. Murders, knifestabbings and gangfights every day. Extortions and gangrapes by muslims increased 1000% and you call me a hater ! One day you will find out the hard way and wake up . Then you remember my wods. You naive fool !
Here in Norway we give people who come here house and everything in it for free. We even give them more money every month than a worker in Norway can earn for beeing criminals and kill/rape women ! Norway call them refugees !
Because of their money,nothing else ! No money no entry,no money no stay ! Must have 800.000 bath in an account to have visa for 1 year. Not many thaipeope earn 800.000 bath in a year ! It"s pay or fuck off ! That's why i choose The Philippines !
errr yes, of course. Wouldn't you want people who live in your country to be financially capable?
But we were talking about tourists remember? The doors are wide open. There is a money requirement only on paper (and it's not that anybody who can afford a flight ticket wouldn't have 20k baht).
As Long as the wallet also are wide open you mean ? Nobody can enter Thailand legally if you dont have money. They even demand that you have 800.000 bath in a bankaccount a year to be able to have a visa so you can live there !
I understand. Just because one has a more powerful passport doesn't give them the rights to live in another country indefinitely and complain about it when they have to leave. I'm not speaking about you or anyone in particular, it just seems to be a common theme from expats who don't want to leave Thailand and also can't get proper visas.
Can any foreigner just come and go and stay for as long as they wish in YOUR country? Most countries in the west make it extremely difficult for Thais to visit, they have to jump through hoops to even get a tourist visa, while all the farangs want to live in Thailand without proper visas and constantly complain about how they can't just come and go and live here for as long as they want. The entitlement is nauseating.
of course they want tourists. People trying to live in Thailand without a long term visa are not tourists. Does your country let non citizens come and stay as long as they want?
Reply to
Brandon ************
Hristo ***********
For sure it's getting harder and harder to stay long term on Ed or TV or similar. If you have a long relationship just marry if not just search for a second country nearby and split it
. And change your passport every year, I never had any problem with a fresh new passport and was asked a ton of questions while LEAVING Thailand after the COVID with a passport full of COVID extensions + Ed visa... New passport did work well at least 1 year ago...
Sure they can, but most probably they have not a well developed software that automatically shows them a red flag and when you have a line with 10 people waiting it's normal to go in the easy way and just stamp the new pass. I did enter after Ed visas with old and with a new pass and always had questions with the old one and a very fast processing with the new one... Sure somewhen in the future they will update their software and this approach will become useless... So better try to get a long term solution.
FYI Thai immigration can link the passports together. Date of birth, country, and and name is the same, correct?
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Jon ******
Simão ****************
As long as you don't give the idea that you're working/living illegally here (doing a lot of border bounced in a row for example), all is fine
Passport and looks matter too, the meme posted by the guy of how likely you will be asked an award ticket is real
Bhavin **********
Do they have record on their computer every time you enter/exit? I got pulled last year and was surprised that the officer was going through each page with a pen and paper . Maybe it was something else. Does anyone know
Jimmy ******
New passport dont change anything, they scan fingerprints of every visitor
I arrive here every 9 weeks from Australia for the last 3 yrs . Staying here 4 weeks throughout the year and,stay for 6 weeks at Xmas/January. Was only asked once how long I was staying and where
John **********
It's not so much the number of times visited but how you have used the visits. If you were here most of last year and the start of this year with only a day or two break here and there for visa runs, and you've again not been out of Thailand long before returning again I'd say you stand a fair chance of being denied
yes, alot of stamps for Thailand in my passport but all having obtained a visa in advance. Not this time though so a bit worried
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Natasha ********
Have *******
I've been five times in the last year. I usually only stay a few days then leave. I was quite surprised that last two times I seem to be under scrutiny on entry even though my trips are short, I am often visiting with family and clearly am not living in Thailand. Immigration can be a bit overzealous at times.
It's a curious paradox of Thailand that different government departments seem to be constantly at odds of whether to encourage more foreign presence and spending in the country or restrict entry and/ or kick them out. For a country whose economy is entirely dependent on tourism their approach to foreigners is extremely inconsistent.
😄 "For a country whose economy is entirely dependent on tourism" . . . . . . . . 😅😅 you are grossly exaggerating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "entirely dependent"??? . . . . . . . . . . . . international tourism in the years 2018 and 2019 contributed 12% to the GDP. At the moment it is less, as the number of visitors is only half of that in the years before the pandemic. So international tourism in the recent two years contributed around 5% to 6% of the GDP. Domestic tourism also is not fully back, yet, it used to contribute 8%
them questioning or denying entry to probably 0.001% of daily visitors isn't going to cripple the industry.
For what it's worth I entered Thailand about 14 times last year, maximum stay of 3 weeks but usually just there for long weekends.
Previously lived and worked there, legally and not on visa exemptions or tourist visas, for 3 years. Never been questioned once, including my most recent entry 10 days ago.
What happens if they refuse you entry? I am in India atm so can't get a TV in advance, although that's what I had every time before. Its my first time going visa exempt
don't let these guys scare you. Sounds like you're fine. It's people turning up over and over again for a visa exempt that have issues. If you've done 2x TV or 3x Visa Exempt in one calendar year (6 months) all the evidence is that you're fine. (I hear that coming over land 3x for a visa exempt can be an issue too. Stick to airports if doing that.
Frank **********
I just took a look at your previous post.. you have quite an extensive history of Covid extensions, visa exempts, 60 day tourist visa, etc. Best you plan for a denied entry in case.
you can get a TV in Delhi. We did it a few months ago. No problems at all
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Todd *********
Sam *********
The days of living here on a tourist visa and border runs (not including Runs for multiple entry visas) are done. I admit that I lived here from 2013-2014 on back to back to back TR… no one is getting away with that now
I agree. I don't have any issues with immigration cracking down on people living here on TR, thats their job. My point is that I doubt I would have the same easy living on a TR that it did a decade ago. Thankfully, I don't have to worry about it. I wouldn't recommend anyone banking on it as a long term option, but it really comes down to the individual at the embassy and the Immigration officer you deal with.
I totally agree with you that you are eventually going to have to answer some questions. Just immigration officers doing their job though, that’s a good thing. Make sure you have good answers and 3 proofs though!! And for sure, not the same as a decade or more ago
. Some people may be able to get away with it, but its not like before where you could just live here without any fear of consequences with tourist visas indefinitely, you are liable to get turned away and rejected. That is all I am saying, ten years ago, that rarely happened.
you are kidding right? I know many people here for years on TV and exempt with some travel, border bounce and visa runs. Not hard. Choose point of entry carefully. Use fast track as needed.
If over 50, long stay is no problem. If married, no problem. If under 50 and/or not married, you will face some challenges for long stay
some may, but it doesnt mean its guaranteed to be ok. Eventually if someone wants to say something they will. Are you living here on a tourist visa? maybe you are one of the lucky ones, but generally, you aren't going to get away with living here for years with one...
Interestingly, I've entered Indonesia 3 times in my life now, matching pic 2 the first time, matching pic 3 the second time, and matching the rightmost pic the last time. All three times I was asked by Indo immigrations to show proof of onward travel.
Makes you think they may not actually discriminate between the categories.
And this is why you didn't face a problem, cause you didn't use the entire length of your visas/extensions, so obv when smo enter and stay 1 month and go out is not about working here. Problems occur when you leave after full stay+extension and visa run for 1-2 days... Additionally you re most probably over 50 and qualify for a retirement visa, so it's less likely to work illegally...
20k€ will help. 500€ is nothing if you have long history avoiding visa.. Thais welcome weekend millionaires🙏
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Pertti *************
Jonathan **************************
That depends entirely on how long you've been here this past 6-12 months on tourist visas or visa-exempt entries, and which immigration officer you end up in front of.
The more extensive your recent history, the greater the likelihood you'll be pulled aside and questioned about what you're doing here, and potentially denied.
When that point comes is where IO discretion comes in. Some people get questioned after just 2 or 3 such stays, others manage to live here for over a year before they run into problems.
I have always had a tourist visa until this year, I broke my neck and wasn't sure I could travel, went to Cabo San Lucas for one month and applied for tourist visa but was traveling to Thailand in one week so they didn't issue the Visa because you need 15 days to travel. Agent questioned me but let me in on visa exempt. I have to get 30 more days at immigration then leave the country for several days and re-enter for final month. Hopefully that will be okay.
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Duane *************
Ulrik *********
Happens every day. Get a proper visa that match your reason to stay, and you won't run into problems.
Bob **********
Yes it happens all the time
Andrew ***********
I'm sure there has been many refused, but no one can answer that for you as that is upto the discretion of the immigration officer, when you enter. Get a visa and you will have more chance than arriving visa exempt if you are eligible for one.
Ady ******
Yes I’ve been pulled up 2 times in the last 12 months and got taken to a small area and questioned I wasn’t refused I was let in
Brandon ************
Yes, it happens every day, especially if you're flying into Bangkok or Phuket.
You can help yourself by having a visa but the only thing that will definitely help is having a long term visa.
the immigration officer you are standing in front of at the border has final and complete authority about if you'll be entering the country or not. It is at their discretion. Same for basically every country in the world.
what happens when someone gets refused entry to Thailand?? At say one of the land borders, because they are stuck in the middle after stamping out the previous country, I'm aware of people flying in internationally, and being returned to their home country, but not heard what people actually do in other circumstances.