Can I visit Thailand more than twice a year without a visa?

August 9, 2024
a month ago
Dave *********
Hi I was about to book my flights back to Thailand iv just been told I can only visit 2 times in one year iv already been twice will I be denied entry
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The original concern raised about a supposed limit of two visits to Thailand per year is largely unfounded according to multiple community responses. Users shared experiences indicating that there are no legal restrictions on the number of entries for international travelers flying into Thailand. However, some users noted a historic limit of two entries for land border crossings, suggesting that the relevant policies have changed. Overall, travelers are encouraged to confirm recent policies and be prepared for potential scrutiny at immigration, particularly if their travel patterns suggest an intent to live in Thailand on a tourist visa.
Kdog **********
You can visit 3 times in 6 months on the 30 day rule they have recently brought out the 60 days. So if you haven’t had a 60 day stamp it should start a fresh
Dennis **********
No unlimited times.
Dave *********
Thanks mate but google as so many different answers
Martin *********
I found this on the Thai government websites in the UK. You can travel to Thailand up to 6 times a year if you are flying in. 
Bob ********
All entries are at the discretion of the Thai Immigration Dept. So when you read about foreigners being denied entry, it's often that information has been flagged on their passport computer record. Often Foreign official will advise Thai police that so and so is a bit suspicious and coming your way. That's when immigration have a harder look, at who so and so is. The law is there but only used when needed lots of FIFO workers have used Thailand as a base for years.
John ********
There's a lot of paranoia on FB regarding rules & regulations on immigration in Thailand. When I went to Thailand first time, flew in from Hong Kong for a week. Second time flew in from Singapore to Phuket for a couple of weeks. Then moved to Thailand and spent the next ten years entering mainly on visa exempts and leaving periodically to go offshore. Only ever got visas three times. Once from Penang, once from Vientiane and last one from the UK.
Ian ********
It’s fine by air
Dan **********
Another thing to know is that you can extend your stay by another month.

I did this but obviously didn't book a return flight until I confirmed my extension.

My missus ( Thai ) organised it for me.

As on this question you get many answers. My wife's friend ( a senior police officer ) said that it couldn't be done.

If you have no one that can speak Thai to help if you want to do this then there are normally people in the office to help you for a fee.
Berkley *********
4th next week
Kitty *******
No, you can only do 2 land border crossings per year!
Leroy ******
In my experience as Long as they aren't close - back to back - entries you'll have no issues .

If you're border bouncing or fly in fly out consecutive entries maybe so..

But mate just go and have fun. 🙏👍👍
Terary **********
You're better off to travel with a visa but if that isn't possible travel with the 3 proofs
Ian ********
Hey Dave, I arrived yesterday! Was here earlier this year and extended once thru immigration and border bounce once! This time they questioned me about my reasons for travel, had to provide proof of onward travel (I used onward Took another one of the immigration men to come over and sort it with a smile! Maybe

because they were busy but dunno!! Got my 60 days anyway so make of it what you will mate!
Andy *******
Be on my 5th exempt entry since February this year...I asked immigration why the embassy states that you can travel 2 by air..they looked all through my passport smiled and said come as often as you want..the embassy publishes what they want WE decide who can entry..they only hard and fast rule was regarding the border entry which is limited to 2 times per year....I believe this has now been removed from 15th July for land crossings...I have never overstayed and normally stay for 3 weeks at a time..
Andrew ***************
@Dave ********
, you can travel back and forth many times as you like in a year only by flying. But if border crossing, yes only twice a year.
Paul *******
The concern I have with issues like this is when the rubber hits the road, you are going to be at the mercy of the immigration officer's understanding of the matter. You may be 100% fine.
Ling *****
That's not true. I'm on my 4th visit this year.
Nick ***********
With a US passport Isn’t it 180 days in a year? Or is it as long as you do a border run/leave every 60 days your good?
Kool *******
@Nick **********
no it is not
Sue **********
@Dave ********
I wonder who told you that. How long have you stayed in TH the last two times all together?
Conor ******
I have been told at immigration to get a visa as I enter too often without a visa.
Nicole *******
@Conor *****
we can do a visa from the school for you if you need
Polle ***********
@Conor *****
exactly, just get visa, easy and not expensive
Darren ******
Malcolm *******
Whoever told you that is an idiot 🙄
Biff ******
Land crossing. Yes 2 times
Chris *******
@Biff *****
no it has changed.

There is no limit land, sea or air.

But they will be looking closer at your entry history, if someone is trying to live in Thailand on tourist stamps its going to be more difficult.
Peter *********
Roland ****
Yiu have been told False information
Robert ********
Info for UK passport holders

Brendan ***********
Better send me your ticket then
Paul ********
Fake news
Martin *********
Flying in ? As many times as you like ..
Tom *******
Yes never heard of this restriction … but the IO has looked at my PP and said,”You come here often!” I said! “Chai laeo Krap!”
Steve *******
There's no legal limit on entries. Entering 3 times in 1 year shouldn't be a problem
This is my 3rd time in 6 months
Stuart ************
Go 10 times if u like
Steve ***********
I’ve been three times already and will be back in December, you’ll be fine 😊
Lynnette *******
Who told you that?
Tin **********
2 by land
Chris *******
@Tin *********
no it has changed.

There is no limit land, sea or air.

But they will be looking closer at your entry history, if someone is trying to live in Thailand on tourist stamps its going to be more difficult.
John *******
Many people asked - who told you that?
Brandon ************
@John ******
It's on the website of 2 Thai embassies. But embassies don't get to make the rules for entering Thailand. That's the immigration department which the embassies aren't even part of.
Rob **********
@Brandon ***********
correct the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Interior are two separate Government departments, a lot of people don’t know that.
Jan ******************
@Dave ********
This is still stated on the Thai embassy of Londons website and it’s still not accurate information. The restrictions was twice in a year by land borders, but feedbacks indicates that even this restriction now is repealed.
Steven *****
@Jan *****************
it's 60 days now
Jan ******************
@Steven ****
The point was the restriction of twice in a calendar year.
Steven *****
Jan ******************
@Steven ****
But they have corrected the still incorrect information on their website.😉
Steven *****
@Jan *****************
makes a change lol 😆
Kurt ***********
@Dave ********
There is no restriction on arrival by plane. But the rule has previously been a maximum of 2 times within a year by landborder. Today it is up to the officer in charge.
Steven **********
Not true u can go many time as u like in a year
Stevie ********
On my fifth
Frank-Steven ***********
Told by whom? Immigration officer: trying to shake you down. Somebody else: Don't know what they are talking about. Bottom line: not true. In no hard limitation in terms of entries or max duration of stay "hard-coded" in law whatsoever. However, and having said that, if someone appears from their travel and stay history to be using visa exemptions for a long term / close to full time stay, immigration officers will rightfully question that behavior.
Darren ********
@Frank-Steven **********
correct. I got stopped 2 days ago. I have visited twice this year. Immigration asked purpose of visit. I said tourism. They asked for evidence of return flight and address of where I was staying.

First time being stopped by Immigration in 30 years
Patrick ********
I'm back and forth never been asked anything
Thom **********
@Patrick *******
you not answering the question. What is the official law? Is it or can they enforce the law. Look at the motorcycle helmet law? Is the helmet law enforced? not often. Can you get a ticket for no helmet? yes.
Vinson *******
@Thom *********
and we have all seen the helmet and licence blitzes, only tourists in the lineup to get tickets

We are just: “foreigners “ visiting their country.

It’s not like we get privelege
Tim *******
And who told u that?
Robert ***********
@Tim ******
. His ex 😄. Joking
Brandon ************
There is no such rule.
Thom **********
@Brandon ***********
I think you are wrong. It can be enforced if they want to.
Brandon ************
@Thom *********
There is no rule that says you can only enter Thailand XX number of times. Such a thing does not exist. But every entry is at the discretion of the immigration officer you are standing in front of and they can deny your entry for whatever reason.
Thom **********
@Brandon ***********
Then why is it posted on the government web site?
Brandon ************
@Thom *********
You'd have to ask the staff at the embassy. Embassies are under the MFA who doesn't even determine the rules to enter Thailand. It's the immigration department that does that.
Bart **************
@Brandon ***********
well, the MFA does of course determine those rules, and even if they wouldn't the embassies are still the go-to place for accurate info on the matter.

But you're still right, only making it even worse that these guys get it so wrong. There should not be room for such error, given their responsibility.
Rob *************
@Brandon ***********
there is a rule but they don’t abide by it…just the Baht rule counts.
Rob *************
Appreciate the info. 😎
Tim ********
@Dave ********
you probably heard it from this guy.
Rob *************
@Bart *************
Rob *************
@Bart *************
I do know about the new 60+30..
Rob *************
@Bart *************
Entering the Kingdom through air land/sea/air border checkpoints under Tourist Visa Exemption Scheme is permitted only twice in a calendar year, except nationals of Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, and Singapore who may enter Thailand through such checkpoints more than twice in a calendar year."Jan 10, 2024

Maybe it has changed so…I have to catch up.
Declan **********
@Rob ************
you can visit all the embassy websites and I guarantee you that most of them will state different rules surrounding visa exemption. I mean heck even embassies within the same country have been found to state different things and have vastly different requirements for visa applications.
Bart **************
@Declan *********
true, but there's a notable exception: if any immigrations offices interpret (centrally defined) rules wrongly, and publish it wrongly, they can still adhere to the rules they publish because they decide (and they have discretionary rights to decide otherwise than centrally defined). Embassies informing on visas, same thing. However, embassies informing on visa exemption matters, different story: now any interpretation errors do not carry over to actual entry decisions. Although this would normally warrant extra attention for accuracy, this is unfortunately not how it plays out. Embassies (some at least) are taking their responsibility too lightly and publish rules that are neither centrally defined nor common practice. Quite bad.
Kool *******
@Rob ************
you are out of date, and in fact the only limit was before July 15 when only two land border crossings were allowed in a calendar year. That no longer exists. There never has been a limit on entries by air, or sea. Where ever you read that is full of BS. The big reason it was changed is the fact that many people visit more than two countries that border Thailand while they base out of Thailand. The only unwritten rule now is if you are trying to stay long term in Thailand on tourist entries you will at some point be refused entry until you get the correct visa. That detail has not changed. Immigration is well versed on this, and every angle used to stay long term in Thailand as a tourist, without really following a pattern a real tourist follows.
Wayne *********
@Rob ************
wow and for 4 years prior to covid I came 2 weeks every month visa exempt and never got stopped . I still come every month but have 5 year visa now.
Bart **************
@Rob ************
there is some false info out there, unfortunately even from official sources (embassies). They don't take their responsibility seriously.

But really, there is no such rule.
Bart **************
@Rob ************
there is no such rule.
Aaron ****************
False info, you'll be fine.
Thom **********
@Aaron ***************
I think there is a 2-time limit. just not enforced
Aaron ****************
@Thom *********
two times via land onky
Mikolai ********
This is my third time here this year...
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