How many times can I enter Thailand on a tourist visa if I travel to neighboring countries frequently?

March 13, 2023
2 years ago
Neill ******
Hi and respects group; Wrt tourist visas.. If I head out to the local neighboring countries for about 6 weeks at a time and return for 30 days and an extension, how many times will I likely be allowed to do this until I get flagged? Air or land .. Exp anyone?

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TLDR : Answer Summary
Expats who frequently travel to neighboring countries and return to Thailand on a tourist visa generally have some flexibility, but there are important guidelines to follow. While some individuals have successfully entered Thailand multiple times within a short span, there are formal limits, especially for land border entries (typically two per year without a visa). Air entries have no strict annual cap as long as visitors can prove sufficient funds and have proper documentation. Regular travelers might face scrutiny if their entry patterns are deemed suspicious, so varying the mode of entry and having clear proof of travel intentions can help avoid unwanted complications.
Michael ********
I did that for very long time with work, didnt have any problem until price of oil went down a few years ago and had a lull in work.

Already been in and out of the country 6 times already this year.
Paul *******
Don't do it too many times. As Graham mentioned, twice a year is the limit for land based entries without a visa.

I'd say you could probably get away with doing this 4-5 times, meaning you do two land based entries and the remainder by air before being questioned.
Neill ******
Thank you for the information
Stephen *******************
There are people who have been flying in and out of Thailand for years on a regular
week basis.

Officially there is no limit as to how many times you can “fly” into Thailand per year as long as you have funds to prove your stay.

“Do not listen to the Armchair know it all’s”
Graham ******
There is a limit of two visa exempt land border entries per calendar year so be sure to get your Visa or re-enter by air.
Brandon ************
If you're gone for 6 weeks at a time you can probably do it for 6 months to a year. But entry is always at the discretion of whatever officer you're in front of at that time, so if they had a bad day they could throw a wrench into your plans.

Just make sure you always have the 3 proofs and you'll probably be okay.
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