Are residency certificates in Thailand specific to certain tasks, such as opening a bank account or getting a driver's license?

August 28, 2024
a month ago
David **********
Residency Certificate (RC) - Are residency certificates specific to each task wanting to be accomplished.

i.e. I got a RC for a drivers license. Now I only have a copy because DLT took that copy. Also I believe the RC notes states it for use with drivers license.

So would opening a bank account require a RC designated for opening a bank account.

When I tried to open a bank account I showed the bank folks the my RC I used for drivers license and they said, “That’s for a drivers license”
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Residency Certificates (RC) in Thailand are generally specific to the purpose for which they are obtained. Each RC is often designated for a particular task, such as obtaining a driver's license, opening a bank account, or purchasing a vehicle. While some offices might issue a general RC that can be used for multiple purposes, this varies by location. It is typically recommended to obtain separate RCs for each specific task to avoid complications, as banks and other services may not accept an RC labeled for a different purpose.
Nongnuch ********
a residence certificate is ALWAYS connected to the purpose you need it for. And it is always valid for use for only FOUR WEEKS
Peter **********
It seems like this is again different from place to place. There are three main purposes why you would get one: Driver license, buy a car and open a bank account.

I have one to open a bank account. They even stated “at Bangkok bank” on the RC.

I’ve used it at two banks, not Bangkok bank. At one bank they noticed and said it wasn’t a problem. The other bank didn’t even mention it.

Then I bought a car with the same RC. No problem at all. I expect that the DLT will require the proper reason on the RC when I go there.

This was in Isan, by the way.
Tim *********
They will be identical. The only possible reason for wiring separate ones for DL, buy a bike, open bank account is so they can charge you another 300 baht and provide you with a day of entertainment while you get them. Actually for a bank, they ask which bank and address it to the bank, so it can be quite useful persuading the bank to open the account
Ally ************
Once you get a yellow book you should never need to get another residence certificate.. it's issued by the Amphur/Municipality where you live after meeting fairly stringent criteria.. and is prima-facia evidence of address.. akin to the blue book held by many citizens.. I've never been asked for a RC once when dealing with any govt agency here when I've produced my yb.. but this is not easy to get if you are on a tourist visa or are not married to a Thai!
Brandon ************
@Ally ***********
there was a thread recently about this. It depends on the specific DLT office. Some will accept yellow book in lieu of residence certificate and some will not.
Marty ******
Yes that seems to be the main problem in Thailand every govt department province has different interpretation of the rules and guidelines, an sometimes it’s the cart before the horse syndrome esp with visas steps plus grease the wheels graft on occasion
Joseph *******
I got a yellow book early on, within six months of moving to Thailand in 2004. I never had a problem after that. And what’s a pink ID card?
Bob **********
I doubt you can use a copy now if you were getting and auto and bike license you can use a copy and copy of medical but you’ll need a new one for a bank account if they will accept that
David **********
For the motorbike license they took both the originals of the Residency Certificate (RC) and the Drivers Medial Certificate. You have to submit the originals.
Bob **********
@David *********
I didn’t I used a copy for car and original for my bike
Carlos *********
I understand the RC is also needed to buy a motorbike right? So should I ask for one specific to buy a motorbike?
David **********
I went to buy a Motorcycle yesterday. I'll probably buy one in the next few days. So when I asked what I need to get start once I decide who I will buy from she noted, Passport, VISA & Drivers License, nothing regarding Residency Certificate (RC).

Bank transfers for the transactions only.

The dealer also handles all the registration paperwork including registering you with the DLT that you own the bike and attaching plates.
Brian *********
@David *********
I was told by dealer yesterday that you can buy the bike but would need an RC afterwards to obtain the white registration plate.
David **********
@Brian ********
Wow, not here she pulled out the plate package with registration and only asked for Passport, Visa and Drivers License. Maybe we did not get far enough along in the process for her to say, "Oh yeah we need RC too"?
Brian *********
@David *********
just been to an agent and they said you can buy the bike but need RC to get the green book in your name. This can be done before or very soon after the purchase.
Tony **********
@David *********
they will need it for the registration.... Correct me if it goes through without it and let me know which shop.
Carlos *********
@David *********
That’s good to know, I’ll go to a dealer nearby to ask too. Thanks!
David **********
I thought my Residency Certificate (RC) was a pass to the entire amusement park of Thailand! Looks like you have to buy a ticket for each ride.
Damo ***********
Yup.. even if you go for both Car and Bike licence.. means 2x RC's
Greg ******
Yes. I needed two for financing a new truck in my name. Land transportation demanded an original and the financing company wanted an original.
Stuart ***********
As always with Thailand it depends on which Immigration Office you deal with. My experience in Hua Hin and Sri Racha was that you need individual residence certificates for; opening bank account, obtaining a driving licence, buying a car etc.

I have seen online that other offices provide a general residence certificate. Also, some offices charge for issuing them (Hua Hin and Sri Racha did), but other offices do not.
Richard *********
Bangkok bank in Chiang Rai took my DL RC and opened my first account which I used to apply for my current retirement visa
Sascha **********
Omg I didn’t know this… so what things do you need the RC for? (I’m waiting for my visa to come through and wanting to open a bank account, get a car and motorbike license, buy a car, transfer my motorbike to my name… what else would I need a RC for?)

Can I ask for all these RC’s at once at immigration?
Nick ************
@Sascha *********
Nakhon Phanom does not issue RC for anything to do with motor vehicles. I have to go to LTD and they request what they want from immigration. Takes about two weeks. Not saying your office is the same but ask at DLT. Dint forget the medical certificate, one for car and one for bike license. My copies were not accepted. Even though ink jets are pretty good they check for indentation on back! I've tried it but only got away with it once. Blue ink too on official forms.
Tony **********
@Sascha *********
bank account, vehicle purchase, car driving license, motorcycle driving license. So if you want to buy a car and motorscooter, you're going to need 6 RC's before you're done!

And yes, separate photos and paperwork copies for each!
Duncan *******
@Sascha *********
everything you do at the DLT except annual tax requires a RC - license, transfers etc.
Sue **********
@Sascha *********
Definitely need one for licence and for buying car or motorbike each
Brandon ************
@Sascha *********
I've only really heard it being needed for drivers license and it can help with bank account. Maybe to get in a yellow house book and get a pink ID card but each amphur sets their own requirements.
Graham *******
@Sascha *********
generally only need for license. You need tm30.
Katherine ************
@Sascha *********
yes you can
Graham *******
its one time paper. u do not need for bank account, TM30 is enough. Sometime difficult with tourist stamp.
Sue **********
@Graham ******
Yes you need a CoR for opening Bank Account.
Jim ********
@Sue *********
Depends on the bank/branch. Mine wanted to see long term lease, not CoR
Duncan *******
@Sue *********
that would depend on the bank and branch - so do require it, some dont.
Graham *******
@Sue *********
well ok, then it varies bank to bank.
Brandon ************
Yes. When you get the residence certificate it asks you what the purpose is and it will be written on the certificate. You likely won't be able to use that one for any other reason. I've even heard of DLT offices that required 1 original for car license and another original for motorcycle license.
Nick ************
@Brandon ***********
and medical certificate !
Mick *******
@Brandon ***********
,that's correct
Karsten ********
@Mick ******
I renewed both driving licenses in January, one original and one copy is enough. Immigration will tell you, that you need 2 to make more 💰.
Mick *******
@Karsten *******
, I'm sure you did , what office ?

I did mine in Cha am , plus it wasn't a renewal, first time
Karsten ********
@Mick ******
DLT Banglamung, I tried with yellow book, but only get a driving license for Chonburi, in Rayong they accept yellow book.
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