Søren ********
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Søren ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 5 comments.



Søren *********
Pay attention to news from Immigration today. It seems we can expect 3 months automatic visa for everyone to avoid the immigration visits being a risk.

This is a report from the closed office in Koh Phangan:

"We were there today and lady at the office (which was closed) told us that is not official yet - but tomorrow the news will be announced in public. They will extend tourist visa for 3 months to everyone automatically , that is why they closed office."
Søren *********
I had planned to do a border run, but I found out Friday that option was now gone. I booked a flight for the 29th, but it doesn't seem likely it will fly. And I also need to get to Bangkok, if that's possible at all with all domestic flights cancelled
Søren *********
Are there anyone who have tried getting the covid 19 letter from the Danish Embassy?

It seems pretty unsafe to try and travel back home now, when airlines and Borders are closing down. I have a visa extension expiring on March 30
Søren *********
@Wouter ******************
Is that the Belgian policy? I wish the Danish government was as wise!

It seems like I will have to expose myself to a 1000 times bigger risk of going on a long journey by bus/train and flight than if I just stayed where I am. At the same time I can be a carrier of the virus and help spread it that way. It doesn't make any logical sense to me.