Atsuko *********
This is a summary of
Atsuko *********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 7 comments.



Atsuko **********
Oh! I didn't know that I'm not on any visa. The stamp I got in the end of March is completely same (just the date is different) with the stamps I got when I renewed my one-year contracts of my company.

Is it OK to cancel my work permit while I still belong to my company? According to your message, I should cancel it a week or so before July 15, but I am an employee this company until this day.

And one more question. How can I get "termination paperwork"?
Atsuko **********
My stamp says "extension of stay permitted until 15 JUL 2020". My work permit expires on the same day.
Atsuko **********
Thank you for the reply, Tod! I really appreciate. My visa is based on employment from the immigration office. I was supposed to quit my job and leave Thailand in the end of March, but I couldn't because of covid-19. My company kindly extended my contract until July 15 so that I can stay in Thailand.
Atsuko **********
Really!? That's nice!! Thank you for the information. If my boss says I can't extend my contract, I try to go to Laos. Thank you!!
Atsuko **********
Ah, OK. I hadn't think about going back to Japan for a while because the ticket is much expensive, but yes, that is another option. Thank you!!
Atsuko **********
Thank you for the comment. I’m worried about the 14 days of self isolation measures after I arrive in Laos. I’m going to look for other solutions.
Atsuko **********
Oh, I’ve just realized that I won’t be able to enter any hotels, as they are public buildings 😵