Nithi **********
This is a summary of
Nithi **********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 20 comments.



Nithi ***********
This is what I found on Air asia website and it cost 87USD
Nithi ***********
@Giorgio *****
So I think you want to argue off the topic of intention to use QR code payment. You can post a new one and maybe we can discuss that.

Sorry to lets you feel that I ask questions and do not care about poor people that can't even have food to eat.

I am Thai and I didn't blind. I also want Thailand to get better. but I can't do anything. I'm just a human same as you.

btw Thank you for sharing.
Nithi ***********
Hi everyone, I made a misleading on the topic, and I am apology for that.

What I want to say is if the QR code payment can give you more options for spending money in Thailand, would it be interesting or not?

My questionnaire will ask about the Intention to use QR code payment of foreigners.

Again, sorry for all the misleading.
Nithi ***********
I didn't know that China is already cashless 100% and they can just take control of your account by not doing a thing that the government doesn't like.

For my cashless meaning is to try as much it can and turn physical cash to exchange easier than a banknote or coin and give convenience to tourist travel in Thailand as much they can.
Nithi ***********
@Siddhartha ********
Some rumors spread that the government gonna tracking their sale and force them to pay taxes. But for those who don't receive money from promptpay or QR it is like they just cut a good channel to get money.
Nithi ***********
@Siddhartha ********
Can I say Thailand is working on it. I am really sorry for any inconvenience that happen to you before. I was work in a bank for a few years but now I study a master's degree with the hope of getting smarter.

Now I have a foreign friend who says the same thing as you. So I decided to create this questionnaire to make sure If QR payment is the right way to go help people like you, why do we not push more effort to work in this way. I believe If it's really easy to do that it's not gonna have this conversation happen.

btw Thank you for your comment.
Nithi ***********
@Kewin ********
Is this picture of Klaus Schwab? I have no idea what is he involved with this post or not? Can you give me some clues?
Nithi ***********
@Kevin *******
Good question! Cash is made by the central bank of each country in Thailand, called the Bank of Thailand, which tries to make a stable economy of Thailand by using fiscal policy.

So cash is regulated by banks but not commercial.
Nithi ***********
@Ruth ******
you are right! I didn't expect all this to come πŸ˜…

I want my post to attract people, so I decided not to put all severe words in the post, but I already put every concern inside the form.
Nithi ***********
@Roman *********
It's longer than 2 mins right? Sorry about that.

Btw Thank you so much for your time πŸ˜πŸ™