Chris ******
This is a summary of
Chris ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 6 comments.



Chris *******
Thank you Stuart for input, much appreciated.
Chris *******
@Stuart **********
Hi Stuart, to answer your question of am I ready to do this, absolutely. My life has had a massive change and I’m afraid not for the best. Losing family and my home I would say I’m ready. Here in the U.K for a long time now feels it’s not the place for me. Don’t get me wrong the grass isn’t always greener on the other side but Thailand appeals to me for its culture and arts.
Chris *******
@Leo *****
Wow, thank you for this positivity, it just sounds so right.
Chris *******
@Max ************
Hi Max, I haven’t been personally but family and friends have.
Chris *******
@Dan ******
Ah wow, thank you Dan. From your experience then, what’s the process? Bottom line is how do I achieve your goal in becoming a future resident, how complex is it, costs to take into consideration etc Any help or advice you can give me Dan on how to consider a future over in the land of smiles would be greatly appreciated. How achievable is this or am I taking a long shot here. As I’ve mentioned before my life has taken a significant turn in events so I’m looking for help into the possibilities of seeking a future there.
Chris *******
@Harry ********
, Hi there just any advice that can be given really. Basically my life has made a dramatic change and this in mind and being passionate about Thailand’s culture it appeals to me deeply, so out of curiosity I wonder how straight forward it is or isn’t, if I considered to up sticks and seek a life there.