Ksenia *********
This is a summary of
Ksenia *********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 20 comments.



Ksenia **********
There is a visa chat in telegram (Russian language). I saw several reports with this information.

As I remember, at least some of the cases took place in airport.
Ksenia **********
If he had overstay before and after amnesty (amnesty period is March 26-October 31), fine can be calculated twice (2 time with limit of 20k).

Count days before amnesty and after amnesty and calculate fine 2 times (with 20k limit each) .

This information is what some people reported after paying overstay fine after amnesty.
Ksenia **********
@Benjamin *****
, nobody knows. It is better to find out official information from the government. If all people from islands (with no immigration office) go to another island or to continent "to close smth" instead of listening to officer, it will be a collapse again.

You just advice the opposite to what immigration officer advice to do. But not too many people read this group cause they were tald they were covered.

If people really need to "close smth" , it is better to do it following the official information that we don't have.

Moreover many people went to another island and were tald that their second stamp is not ready yet.
Ksenia **********
There are hundreds of people only on Phangan with not colsed "under consideration" stamp, cause immigration officer said they are covered. And I think there are thousands of people with the same stamp in Thailand. I think it is not possible that all these people will have problems. They just don't have so much space in prison.
Ksenia **********
The problem is that I cannot go to Samui and they are not answering by the phone. And even if they answer one day it is no guarantee that the answering stuff know the rules and that they understand the difference with "under consideration" stamp. And whatever they answer you cannot proof it after. And they don't answer emails as well.
Ksenia **********
Tod, And it is also pissiable that they just didn't know the rules on 9th and all these people with "under consideration" will get into trouble then.
Ksenia **********
And they also collected passports on April 8 on Phangan and gave people passports back later on 8th without second stamp.

So it would be their mistake if these people cannot use amnesty. And I have a video.
Ksenia **********
I have "under consideration stamp" till April 20 and they tald me in emergency immigration on Phangan on 9th that I can stay till 30th.
Ksenia **********
Maria, the energency immigration tald me that I am ok. I can stay till 30th. And Surat thani is the main office here.
Ksenia **********
I had 15 days "under consideration" from March 23 till April 7th. Then I came to get another 15 days. They tald me that my application is not ready yet and put another stamp "under consideration" for 13 more days till 20th of April. It was in Phangan , when they came for 2 days. And after they announced amnesty I came again on 9th, they tald me that my "under consideration" stamps are ok and I can stay untill April 30. And I couldn't extend my last stamp as my application wasn't still ready (" under consideration") as they said.

So anyway I cannot go to immigration any more as Samui is almost closed.

And just for your information, after "under consideration stamp" people get the normal one, if application was approved. After that normal one you can apply again with embassy letter and money.

And it would be really no logic if they won't give amnesty to people, who have "under consideration" stamp as even those who had overstay before March 26 can get amnesty after paying overstay.