Jacqui ********
This is a summary of
Jacqui ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 42 comments.



Jacqui *********
@Justin ****
thank you I’m now speaking to people who live here
Jacqui *********
@Jo *********
what online adverts? I’ve never mentioned any . As I said you either lease or form a company and the company owns the land but you are company director.
Jacqui *********
@John ********
you are rude and very wrong. I’m not prepared to engage with this any longer
Jacqui *********
@John ********
actually I’m a provider of emergency accomodation to Coventry City Council.
Jacqui *********
@Tony *******
thank you this is one of the most helpful out of the many other comments
Jacqui *********
@John ********
why? That’s like saying leave the UK to only British resident landlords..or any other country for that matter.
Jacqui *********
@John ********
what do you mean by ‘parasite in my own country’ ? Strong word choice
Jacqui *********
@Nika *******
I’m not planning to go to that region- would Bangkok be ok? And what’s your experiences or advice based on? Thanks 🙏
Jacqui *********
@Nika *******
any particular reason why Surat Thani province?
Jacqui *********
@Nika *******
yes I am. And I’m trying to talk to people who have done it here.

Thanks for lawyer tip