Michael ******
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Michael ******
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Michael ******
According to Dr John Campbell if the time between vaccinations is short, eg like Israel, then the efficiency of the vaccine decreases more quickly - their infection rate is increasing despite most people having 2 Pfizer jabs.
Michael ******
@Steve *********
If I was in Thailand I would pay a few thousand baht to be vaccinated with an effective vaccine.
Michael ******
Some Thai people I know have told me that they got a second Sinovac jab after 3 weeks!
Michael ******
Thai Air flies from Heathrow at 9.30pm on Sunday so your Covid test should be done on Friday. You need to find a laboratory that does 48 hour turnarounds (not guaranteed though) together with a fit2fly cert and they usually cost £250 up. Some airlines will accept a swab test taken at home and posted to the laboratory where it is dated at the time of arrival at the laboratory and some doctors will issue a f2f cert based on a video interview, the two together can cost about £220.

The Mayfield Clinic in Oxford charges £285 for a doctors appointment for a travel document together with a swab test - I think it also has clinics in London and Banbury.

Good luck!
Michael ******
Not relevant at the moment, but if you are married to a Thai you can apply for a 90 day visa in your home country and then extend it by 60 days at Thai immigration.
Michael ******
I am in the UK, the Thai Air repatriation flight departs on Sunday evening so the test has to be done on a Friday. I think the laboratory certificate has to be e-mailed due to time scales.

According to Thai Air, Thai nationals only need a fit2fly certificate signed by a doctor certifying that they are free of covid symptoms and fit to fly - plus a COE, declaration form and a T8 form.