Jae ******
This is a summary of
Jae ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 5 comments.



Jae *******
@Paul ************
Thank you for your shortsighted opinion. Just because you've done this before and feel that it's easy does not give you the right to judge someone else's reason to want help doing it - especially when you don't know the reasoning or the whole story behind why I want to.

Why would anyone hire a travel agency if you could do everything yourself? Some people are more comfortable with it.

Why would anyone hire a taxi when you can just drive yourself? Some situations warrant that decision.

I could call someone "lazy or mega rich" for hiring someone to do ANYTHING without knowing why... But then I'd be like you...

Posting your opinion criticizing my choice without considering why I asked this to begin with. It's people like you that make others not want to post their questions on groups or forums because they don't want to give fuel to bored trolls that don't think before they type.
Jae *******
@Stuart ********
I've been emotionally scarred for life by Thai immigration so I'd rather hire someone to do this for me.
Jae *******
@Philip *********
thanks that makes me feel better. Phuket may be different. I just don't wanna go through that stress again. Look at it this way. Driving is easy, but sometimes I wanna hire a driver.
Jae *******
@Benjamin *****
in Pattaya immigration office, I tried to extend my visa myself the first time and I got yelled at by the lady behind the first counter because I had the "wrong form" or something... Couldn't tell what she was yelling at me, only that she was mad that I wasted her time and pointed me towards a table with a hundred forms, all in Thai. That's the last time I go to the immigration office alone. I've ALWAYS paid an agency to do it for me.