the BRICS countries are all weak economies with only one real strong economy which is China. And even China is still dwarfed by United States
In other words who would like to hold all these shit currencies on their balance sheets 🤷♂️ no one is the answer
Hence why BRICS will only become successful with a common currency. This has been on the table for a long time. But the path to a common currency is mission impossible. It’s never going to happen
The US dollar will be just fine even without all these 3rd world countries backing it. It might weaken a but nothing to be afraid of
The BRICS countries will never come to a conclusion on a common currency. Equally no country will hold any of that shit instead of dollar. It’s a one big show
The CBDC is the end of freedom as we know it. But people like to be screwed so they believe that a digital currency will change the world to the better. The same people also believe a digital currency is the same as bitcoin or crypto. Boy are they wrong 😑
I’m promoting nothing my friend 😏 why should I 🤷♂️ it doesn’t help my case to shill anything. However if people are open to learn then I’m open to help
Meanwhile the market is doing its thing exactly as expected. I couldn’t be more satisfied 😊 making tons of money while sitting on the beach