Khan ******
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Khan ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 4 comments.


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Khan ******
@Us ****
Ahah. That's a good plan. Or you can start a business and get a working visa :).
Khan ******
@Us ****
In the short term yes. Who knows in 5 years ? Maybe no more DTV. It's Thailand. Rules changes like I change my underwear every day. Anyway, that's a discussion in 5 years. For the time being, we must enjoy Thailand.
Khan ******
@Billy ******
probably because he didn’t want to pay the elite first. Once he knew they were clamping down the ED visa, he wanted to buy the Elite. But couldn’t because ED cannot. It was a blessing in disguise. But again, is that really a blessing ? Thailand being Thailand
Khan ******
Let them go bankrupt ! But who knows if the DTV still gonna be there in 5 years or if they add more requirements. Way too easy to get 🤣