Hi, if i leave the country by land without a reentry permit will my Ed visa cancel? Cheers
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TLDR : Answer Summary
If you leave Thailand by land without a reentry permit, your Education (ED) visa may be canceled, depending on whether you are on an initial 90-day visa or an extension of stay. It is advised to apply for a reentry permit to avoid invalidating the visa. Failing to do so does not typically prevent re-entry or obtaining a new visa, but it might lead to issues during future visa applications or extensions.
Tod *********
Keep in mind people that I'm telling you the correct way to cancel an extension of stay on an ED visa.
Failing to cancel it the right way will not (as a rule) stop you from exiting the country (although some borders won't let you out until it's canceled) it won't stop you from comin' back in on a visa exempt entry and it won't stop you from getting another visa from a thai consulate in another country and comin' back into thailand.
It MIGHT cause you grief when you go to get an extension on a subsequent visa (but for some people it doesn't).
That you or your friend left the country, got a visa came back and extended it with out a problem is NOT a guarantee that it works like that for every single person.
Good Luck to all (y)
Greg ******
The paperwork I got from the Thai language school says, "Please note that if the applicant leaves Thailand they will need to apply for a re-entry permit from immigration to avoid invalidating the Ed Visa and re starting the process." (The process of applying for a Ed Visa)
, you are confusing a re-entry permit <- which you buy inside the country AFTER you have a visa or an extension which allows you to exit the country keep your extension alive and come back to get stamped in for the same expiration date and the choice of a single or multiple entry VISA which you buy from a thai consulate before you come here.
Danny Dickinson incorrect, if you were previously on an extension of stay for ED, then you MUST cancel extension of stay as Tod detailed...or the next time you go to immigration on your new visa to do 90 day report, TM30 or another extension of stay...they may notice you didn’t cancel your previous extension of stay and fine you 500 Baht per day (up to 20,000 Baht) since you have been back in Thailand - they refer to it as overstaying your previous extension of stay because it was not cancelled.
The application at the Thai consulate allowed you to to chose single entry or multiple entry $65 - $175.
Tod *********
That only means that you'd cancel your current stamp, which would make you start all over if you wanted to still be on an ED visa BUT if you were on an extension of stay while your stamp would be canceled at the border when you stamp out your extension would not officially be canceled.
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Tod *********
Tod *********
The way it really "officially" works IS
IF you are on the 90 day entry from the original ED visa when you leave the country it cancels that stamp
IF you are on an extension of stay that you got from the thai immigration office you need to take a letter from your school to the immigration office and cancel your current extension. THEN you can leave the country.
Now failing to do this the correct way will not stop you from getting a new visa from a thai consulate in another country nor will it stop you from comin' into the country on a visa exempt entry BUT if you go for an extension of stay they will see you did not cancel the earlier extension the correct way and the immigration office can fine you for it.
Tod *********
The real question IS, are you on the original entry of the 90 day visa OR are you on an extension of stay from the immigration office?
Glen *********
Dick Hallgren there are no guarantees in life, and certainly none here in Thailand - you do your best, as we all do.
Tod has a wealth of personal knowledge from his own experiences and his own investigations, as well as that of his friends and cohorts across Thailand...he’s is careful to explain his advice...and personally I have found his advice for my circumstances 100% correct for the past 2 years, it’s served me well and made my life much simpler and saved me money and time 🙂
I previously told you, ask here for advice, ask your local immigration office (probably more than one officer) and then make an informed choice on all the information you have.
It’s up to you what you do...but this group is about sharing experiences and knowledge...your choice what you do with it
, and who says and garantee that his "advice" is the 100% correct and it's those rules my local immigration practice?
Glen *********
Dick Hallgren your doing it - follow the advice of people like Tod who has first hand experience and the collective experience of others here...that’s what this group is all about.
Sometimes the rules don’t matter as you will find out, as different offices have different rules for themselves hahah
So ask questions here, ask your local immigration office, and then make the best judgment you can on the collective advice received...
, ok so what more can we Farangs do here in Thsiland then go to our local immigration office and ask for the rules and how procced?
Glen *********
Dick Hallgren that’s Thailand for you... Tod has detailed the correct process, it’s a personal choice if you follow it or not - and yes depending on which office you go to, and even the officer who sees you, will depend on whether you get fined or not. But if you do get fined, it’s based on the correct process that was not followed.
I personally decided not to risk a 20,000 Baht fine, prefer to spend it on something better - it’s 2 x return trips to Australia 🙂
, strange because me and my GF did this after we asked the immigration how to proceed....
But I guess it's big difference in where in the country you are and what immigration office you go to...
Glen *********
Dick Hallgren incorrect as Tod explained, and following your advice could cost someone up to 20,000 Baht fine for overstay - be careful when giving advice, sometimes a little knowledge is a dangerous thing
Dick **********
But still it will terminate the "ongoing period" of the Permit of stay/Residence.
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Dick **********
Dick **********
Yes, that will cancel your Permit of stay/Residence!
Remember, a VISA just give you the permission to apply for a so called Permit of stay/Residence.