When will Thailand reopen its borders for foreign tourists?

May 9, 2020
4 years ago
Eric ****************
When will the border reopen for foreigners come here as a tourist?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The timeline for reopening Thailand to foreign tourists is uncertain due to the ongoing pandemic. Discussions in the comments suggest varying projections, with some optimism about potential openings as early as July, while others fear extensive delays into 2021. There are concerns regarding travel restrictions, quarantine requirements, and the overall viability of international tourism in the near future, reflecting a cautious approach from both governments and potential travelers.
Joe ***********
July 1, earliest possible International inbound flight to Thailand
Mark *******
Even if the flights resume from some of our countries on what side of the equation of supply and demand will it be? Will the price be too high as to making it almost prohibitive cost wise?
Mark **********
hoping as oil so cheap at moment prices don't imediatly jump up but think cheap flight deals are over
Ian *******
Recession and exchange rate chaos to come yet
Mark *******
Ian you know what I am saying.
Ian *******
good point
Mark *******
I have been going to Thailand twice a year for the last couple of years. I have totally given up on going this year. My best hope for going is possibly April, 2021. Like so many on this post have been saying there are so many components that have to come into play. Flights resuming, quarantines lifted both in Thailand and my home country. Medical clearances if they are even possible upon arrival in Thailand, a new health insurance regimen that would probably require coverage of covid 19 sickness, which areas of Thailand may be open or quickly shut down if they are open. I’m sure that doesn’t even complete the list.
John *******************
same counts for me.. 2 times per year.. march and september... but i guess september will be still too early.. so that will be march 2021 then... as there hopefully will be no 2nd wave of infections...
Dallas ******
@Mark ******
I also go to Thailand almost every year. This year I got trapped in Thailand. I am presently in Hua Hin, the beach is open, the government has given blanket amnesty to foreigners here till 31 July......I have never been so happy. I feel for you mate!
Mark *******
Yeah for me I am just writing it off and not worrying about it. My Thai GF is not happy but there’s not much more I can do.
Ian *******
Same. Dont look like this year is a go.
Addy ***********
Not the next few months.
Mario *********
They will require a 14 days quarantaine on arrival, maybe better wait a few months
Agha *******
I guess when the Chinese are ready to come to Thailand .....😉😅
Steve *********
Answers on a postcard please ...
Brian ***********
2021 some time
Paulie **********
Can't see them letting anyone in from a country that has a virus problem . I have a Thai girlfriend that I want to meet but think I will probably get to meet her in another country before Thailand . She can travel to 32 countries without visas . Hoping Gorgia or Turkey will lift travel bans this year
Walter *************
Will never ever open anymore
Joel ********
@Walter ************
Walter that’s bs and you know it . Such negatively . I’ve lived in Thailand for 4 years . Lived in Asia off and on since 1982 . Been coming to Thailand since 84 . Yes it will open .
Walter *************
the borders ...
Adveromaex ****
@Walter ************
What ”will never ever open anymore" ?😀😀😀
Alice ********
Adveromaex ****
I think for international tourism to restart - all quarantines and restrictions must be lifted everywhere. People must be able to come and go freely or it's not going to work.
Stefano ***********
I agree. And for now and until Morrison lifts restrictions I'm stuck In Perth and paying rent on my apartment in Thailand.
Robert ******
Next jecember
Abdul *******
Soon !!
Adam *********
hopefully july latest. otherwise people will start to starve and tourism will take longer to recover.
John *******
@Adam ********
they will have to look for other jobs just like uk. Plenty of work up in the fields. But maybe that's not what they are looking for. Tourists are an easy touch.
Alice ********
May 31st is when it will be lifted.....or extended.
Alice ********
American embassy in Thailand.
Alice ********
I got my answer from the embassy instead of guessing btw.
David **********
There's a lot of factors involved. It's looking like most businesses should be back in operation by July 1 as things reopen in several stages.

The problems will be, what requirements are put in place for travel. Even if flights resume, testing will be required, maybe even vaccination. People's fear will mean they mostly holiday locally

If a quarantine is required at either or both the holiday destination and on return home, then this will effectively kill international tourism. Only those staying longer term will find it worth the hassle.

The tourist towns are suffering so much right now and I can't see tourists returning in large numbers any time soon.

Also, people in general have spent their savings during lock down so probably aren't going to plan an overseas trip right away.
John *******
@David *********
seriously there are lots more to implement yet. Life isnt going back to normal as was before Febuary. I can see anyone at my age of 64 being offered early retirement due to nothing going back to normal before I would retire at 66
John *******
@David *********
well said.
Mark *******
So true, no one knows. It’s like dealing with the big oil companies in Calgary. Decisions being made in some back room executive office.
Smart *********
until 31.5 landing in BKK is banned.
Smart *********
Bobby ********
@Mark ******
. Rumour is someone stole the coin they use to make decisions!
Bobby ********
12th of Never!
James **************
Wednesday May 24th at 12.45pm.
Burnard ************
Bob *******
Noel ***********
Anyway of getting to Stockholm and then on to Gottenburg.
Tod *********
the virus is in charge, does not wear a watch or mark a calender.
Tom *******
That’s one theory. Another is that it was all planned. AI is just around the corner where tens of millions of jobs will disappear to be taken over by robots. Be a lot easier for governments to deal with if there were less people around to have to listen to when complaining about no job and no money. Seems awfully convenient this has happened now.
Bobby ********
There is only one answer to the question: nobody knows. The other comments are useless, Nonsens, expert knowledge and
Chris ******
Li ****
Bob **********
Hopefully not for a long time
Mark ******
Every country will have to learn to live with the virus, even after cures or a vaccine are created. There are many deadly viruses and diseases in the world, some with cures/vaccines, some not. Few countries can survive lock downs more than a couple months, mostly for economic reasons. Those economic reasons will lead to untold increases in deaths that the virus could never touch. So yes, each country must open its economy, trial and error, assess, adjust, and continue.
Bob **********
The virus will kill

Off the elderly as there is only maybe one doctor to 3000 people up north there a lot of good people helping these people out you should donate
Oliver ********
Millions of Thais have lost their jobs and have no income to feed, accommodate, and medicate themselves and their families right now. More have killed themselves because of the lockdown than died from or with covid. How can you hope for that suffering to continue?
Lance *********
David *********
International flights leaving Australia haven't even been mentioned when they will be start up again..
David *********
Correct... the lift on domestic will be first then NZ.
Adveromaex ****
Tourism is TOTALLY shut down in Australia, even domestic one at the moment.
Stefano ***********
I'm not sure but I'm following it on a daily basis.
Alice ********
@David ********
I can fly to America right now out of Thailand if I want.. or to Japan. My flight would originate in Australia and I would get on board. It’s one of the international taxis they are running.
Mick ********
I say around September or October to start up again until the next fake virus scam they do because now they had a taste of full power control they will pull this stunt again in the future ?
Stefano ***********
But Morrison also said that he will be opening international travel between China, South Korea & NZ. The first 2 obviously are about money. Thailand has lower numbers than any of these 3 plus Oz and the grub will not allow us to travel so we can get home. It stinks as far as I'm concerned.
David ************
@David ********
The PM Scott Morrison said one week ago that international travel in and out of Australia probably won't be until 2021 and that international travel will be the very last restriction to lift. It makes sense that international travel will be the last restriction in every country to lift.
Michael ********
@David ********
they were on about next year
Marek ******
Middle August they said from Norway
Brian ******
Well if your from China or South Korea they are already paving the way!
James **********
@Brian *****
for money
Burnard ************
@Brian *****
Yes, they are. And the countries that lie about infections come in first.
Burnard ************

Probably sooner for some countries than others. Given that you write English, you probably shouldn't hold your breath.
John *******
The border is not the only problem. Airports. Airlines. Transport around thailand. Provincial lockdowns. Just the airlines maybe as far as October to make them have enough demand.
Oliver ********
Good point. Restaurants were allowed to open for dine-in from last weekend. More than 90% haven't done so because it just isn't viable.
Oliver ********
Should be something like...

- from East Asia: June/July

- from Oceania: July/August

- from rest of world (exc W.Europe and N.America): August/September

- from W.Europe and N.America: September/October

BUT the only thing certain these days is uncertainty
Kelvin ******
Don’t think it’s been announced anywhere yet. Just have to keep an eye on the daily briefings for an update. Doubtful it’ll be anytime this month though imo
Michael ********
Watch the news. Still plenty waiting to back to there families
Darren *******
Mark ********
Nope, still cloudy
Bobby ********
Heaven knows
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