When will Bangkok Airport fully reopen for international flights?

August 27, 2020
4 years ago
M **************
When does Bangkok Airport open for international flights? Any updates please
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Bangkok Airport is currently open for some international flights, primarily for outgoing travelers and for certain types of inbound passengers, including Thai nationals and foreign businesspeople meeting specific requirements. However, regular tourist flights are not yet permitted, and travelers must adhere to strict regulations, including a mandatory 14-day quarantine upon arrival. Updates suggest that full reopening may occur later in the year or beyond, contingent on evolving regulations regarding visa availability and COVID-19 safety measures.
Billy *********
Maybe even 8 to 10 times
Richard **************
When ever they do open back up, know that the rules will change 4 or 5 times before your flight lands.
Sudhir *********
Now Thailand lost charm. In future China will try to crush Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand.
Sudhir *********
Till 2021 not possible. I am guessing. Present ruling party facing oppose of local people.
John-Paul ******
Oh it is open... but the country sort of isn't. Still a 14 day quarenteen at your own expense. Cost around 30 to 40K per person. So airport open... but country not to you... for 14 days.
Durrant ********
Thats like asking for the winning lottery numbers
Nils *****************
Check with the thai embassy
Carles ******
It is not only matter of commercial flight availability but tourist visas availability (in the embassies and on arrival).

The airports and their staff will not come back to normal till 2021.
James *****
Now open
Shane ************
It’s open
Finn ******
Emirates has confirmed one flight daily to Bangkok starting next week 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Finn ******
Alan *******
It's already open, what are you talking about?
Benidorm *******
Hassan ********
Ask the nearby Thai Embassy. They will tell you the details. I just came back Thailand yesterday.
Kavintra ******
Andy **********
Steen **********
Next Year not before
M.J. *******
David ********
Tod *********
If You can give me a written agenda of how many people from where & when the virus will be infecting and how much money you intend to bring from your country to Thailand We can extrapolate forward and give you that information if you can not ( and you can not) then we can give you even a hint. If there is an outbreak of 4 people... anywhere in the Kingdom this evening the rules will all change before noon tomorrow... Got it.
Gopal *******
Daniel ************
not anytime soon
M.J. *******
Also Qatar from Doha just got an email from them today
M.J. *******
Daniel ************
@M.J. ******
lets wait for October 😉
Daniel ************
@M.J. ******
so no Bangkok 😉
M.J. *******
@Daniel ***********
not sure about BKK..Qatar with operate flights to Phuket in the next few months..and looks like Emirates will follow
Anderl *********
Royal Gazette says tmr
Sergejs *********
@Anderl ********
any link to the legal act, kob na krap?
Kool *******
International flights are going out, and coming in daily/hourly. It is open.
John ****************
The answer: there are NO SCHEDULED general service flights into TH daily - they were supposed to restart 1 Sept but that appears unlikely - esp., if the 4T plan for Phuket becomes reality. Interesting sidebar: while there is FEDEX & DHL service into & out of Thailand; and, while U.S.P.S. mail is entering Thailand and being delivered... the Thai Post Offices WILL NOT accept outgoing AIRMAIL to the U.S. - only surface mail - YUCK!!!
Bruce *****
@Kool ******
cargo flights sticking to existing schedules no passengers
Kool *******
You both have no clue about how he might want to enter. There are people coming in under a number of different situations. Being a tourist is not one of them, but, the airport is open and international flights are coming in.
Michael *******
@Kool ******
rubbish it's closed to international inbound flights 🤔BP: « The ban on international commercial flights will remain in force while the Covid-19 pandemic situation remains critical in many countries, the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT) said yesterday.

It is an indefinite ban, said CAAT director Chula Sukmanop and the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) would monitor the global situation before deciding when the flights could resume.

Mr Chula said the Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industry and Banking (JSCCIB) had told the government that a large number of foreigners intended coming to Thailand on business, so officials were checking if there were enough state quarantine (ASQ) facilities available.

More private accommodation providers were applying to become ASQ-certified, he said, restating that those arriving would have to pay their quarantine expenses themselves.

They would also be required to notify Thai officials in advance where they would be staying while in the country and complete the mandatory 14-day quarantine period.

A number of foreign people seeking medical treatment in Thailand under a special entry programme are required to stay at a contracted hospital for at least 14 days to ensure they don't bring in and spread the virus, he said, adding: "As of now, no commercial airlines are permitted to operate flights into and out of Thailand and only a number of foreign businesspeople are allowed to enter the country for business purposes."

These people, along with Thai nationals looking to return to the country on repatriation flights, had booked to come to Thailand, said Mr Chula.

The maximum number of incoming passengers is limited to 500 per day in line with Covid-19 precautionary measures.

No ordinary tourists are allowed entry at the moment, while no travel bubble programmes with other countries are agreed just yet, he said.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Cherdkiat Atthakor, meanwhile, said 102 Thai nationals on a repatriation flight from Uzbekistan's capital Tashkent were due to arrive home this morning, having left Uzbekistan yesterday on Uzbekistan Airways Flight HY3609.

All these passengers tested negative for the new coronavirus before they were allowed to board the repatriation flight, he said.

Of those 102 people, 94 are Thai workers who went to work in Uzbekistan under a labour cooperation programme, seven are spa workers and the other one has been living in Uzbekistan.

The employers of all the workers, except for two of the spa employees, have agreed to pay for their repatriation costs. »

Kool *******
@Michael ******
, there are international flights coming in daily. Repatriation flights, cargo flights, and transit/refueling flights. The airport is not closed. Since the middle of July 7200 foreigners have already flown in. Granted, not all categories of travelers are being allowed to enter, but international flights are coming in hourly, from all over the world. Thai Airways isn't flying, but that does not mean the airport is shut down...lololol
Michael *******
@Kool ******
absultly nit picking and irrelevant , there are no international flights in to Thailand for general tourist full stop , ok 🤔
Kool *******
@Michael ******
, you are nitpicking. He said nothing about him entering as a tourist. He only asked about international flights. He said nothing about coming here as a tourist. Full stop. Don't read into it more than is there.
Michael *******
Michael *******
But if he wasn't coming as a tourist why doesn't he come now then 🤔
Michael *******
I apologize sorry I answered 🤗
Alan *******
@Kool ******
well said
Michael *******
@Kool ******
there are no general tourist flying in to Thailand full stop , you don't get tourist on a cargo flight do you 🤔
Stan *******
@Kool ******
And as you've obviously missed, no tourist flights.
Alan *******
@Stan ******
huh? he only asked if the airport was open and this guy mentioned all the flights that WERE coming in, not the ones that weren't \
Kool *******
@Stan ******
, please show me exactly where he asks about tourist flights? I read his post, and see nothing about that. He only asked about when the airport would open for international flights, and it is.
Stan *******
@Kool ******
you’re being deliberately disingenuous and you know it.
Helena ********
Next year
Andrew *********
Inbound flights carry people allowed to enter Thailand at the moment and repatriated Thais, anyone else can fly out if they meet requirements in destination countries.
Paul ********
32nd julwmber
Nick ************
I was at BKK on Sunday and it was almost deserted. Rows of aircraft lined up going nowhere. A few flights were leaving including Thai and Eva to London Heathrow. Vast majority of flights cancelled. I did not see any flights landing and I did not go to arrivals to look.
Andy ******
@Nick ***********
eva fly every sunday 1.flight per week ✈️
Nick ************
@Andy *****
yes I knew that. I have a seat booked on that flight before 26th September! I understand it has flown weekly throughout but the recess never any real certainty that it would.
Oliver ********
Well it is open for international fligts taking People home
Michael ********
Loads of internetional flights outbound
Matt *******
Maybe when Thai Airways start running international flights that aren’t repatriation flights? How about wait until that happens first.
Michael ********
@Matt ******
do you know most of the repat flights are not run by Thai airways
Av **********
It is open if you have the right qualifications to get in
Steven ****************
not been shut to flights
Oliver ********
Well Maybe you shouldn't write planes Can NOT come Thailand becuase they Can just NOT take turists.
Rudolph ***********
@Oliver *******
tourist . what a dickhead!!
Oliver ********
@Rudolph **********
says the man WHO need a picture of when he was Young ...
Ashley ********
@Steven ***************
in all reality it has . Technically it Hasn’t you are right . But actually CAAT has closed flights into Thailand so it is kind of closed to be honest
Oliver ********
@Ashley *******
thats NOT entirely true because there landing international planes all the time taking gods and People back
Ashley ********
@Oliver *******
cargo isn’t people and the only flights in carrying people are repatriation flights and these are few and far between
Oliver ********
@Ashley *******
yea Well your saying there Arent Any international planes flying to Thailand when there is just NOT with turists ...
Ashley ********
@Oliver *******
basically there aren’t . Caat has closed airspace to incoming flights apart for very few repatriation flights which is a huge rigamarole and cargo is a completely different thing
Oliver ********
@Ashley *******
thats NOT true becuase i Can fly home every week and to do that there must be international planes ...
Ashley ********
@Oliver *******
flying home is no problem . Coming in is a different factor. This applies to inbound planes . But there are significantly less planes going out because of the economic loss suffered due to coming empty in 99perxebt of cases
Baz **********
Now, but you need to travel direct from the ISS on a Space-X flight. Keep your spacesuit on when going through immigration.
Terriër ******
After the great reset
Sjaak *******
1 October come new rules. I heard from immigration
Lesley *****
@Sjaak ******
heard anything about the need to produce insurance, certificates of entry, fit to fly, etc from Oct onwards?
Sjaak *******
Lesley Tay no, immigration did not wanted to give any details.
Daniel ******
Lesley Tay You are correct. The devil is always in the details. My Thai gf keeps hanging her hat on the announcements regarding Phuket and October 1. I’m constantly telling her that there’s too much that has to be done, rules to be set, places to live, procedures for contact tracing, test facilities/processes, etc. I believe it MAY begin during October, but not October 1.
Shaheer ******************
Next month phukket will be open for tourism but with SOP and short time visa
Jim ***********
Last week, u sleep in?
James ********
Next week
Alessandro **********
One second. Hold on
Sean **********
Not for a long time I’m here going next month not exspecting to be back for a while
Jan *********
Wait,.... I'll tell you....

Wait,........ its coming.....

Oh yeah......
Bim *******
@Jan ********
my piece of string didn't work either. 👏
Steven **********
Next year March don’t worries ur ladyboy be waiting for you 🙂
Paul ********
Danny *****
For your mob?

Indefinitely 🙏
Yuri ***********
Octovber... New Samsing Come.
M **************
For non b visa
Andrew *******
@Zain ************
No one can come without a COE
Paul *******
@Zain ************
..i thought non b visa holders can come now. But you will still have to quarantine for 14 days on arrival.
M **************
Mike ********
When they get their f.. ing act together
Mike ********
Steve *******
@Mike *******
so...3 generations from now?
Domenico *********
Asking to the I Ching ... 😂😂😂
Gene **********
Tourists? Next year?
Oliver *******************
It's already open but for outgoing flights
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