Are there finally any private hospitals ready to administer COVID vaccines 💉 in Thailand against payment in cash? Who knows what? When? Where? Thanks.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
As of now, private hospitals in Thailand do not have vaccines available for purchase. Some hospitals are preparing to administer vaccines, such as AstraZeneca and Sinovac, but they are not ready yet. Various comments highlight that while some private hospitals may eventually offer vaccines, pricing and availability remain uncertain, and it may not happen until later in the year. Queries about paying for the vaccine against cash sparked discussions about the ethical implications and potential delays for local populations. Confirmed responses vary, indicating the need to keep monitoring hospital communications for updates.
There will soon be a huge increase in divorce rates here in Australia due to corona
Many Men instead of saving for that golfing holiday to Thailand have foolishly decided to buy a caravan and drag it and their nagging wives around Australia . A roadtrip to hell .
Alistair ********
Do you feel vaccines are safe? I genuinely do not know
what? it's not constructive to advise doing ur own research? boy, u have proven again that u are fairly stupid-- maybe not a constructive comment, but certainly a true one.
vaccinated 3 weeks ago.and was sing and dancing later no problem.mum is 88 and had her second one problems at all.better to have a jab than not..
unfortunately a lot of health care workers got stupid amounts of viral load without access to the basic medicines used for the last 50 years.
Maybe they should have all been put on Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and basic antibiotics, but they were wrongly labelled "dangerous" by MSM. Simple, cheap medicines actually tested on humans.
The whole thing is planned and one day a lot of people are going to be shocked with what's coming.
Get real Shayne. Even if you don't believe in the health benefits of vaccines, you'll need to have proof of receiving the vaccine next time you want to get on an aeroplane. Suck it up.!
Reply to
Brian *******
Wayne *******
We dont need a vaccine here in Prison ,I mean Australia.
This is where we stand , this where we die according to the Government
Australia's over the top reaction has been an utter , utter joke , destroying functional immune systems and trying to chase down asymptomatic , ridiculous and simply foolish .
It started as a giant jail and certain f wit power hungry premiers have sent it back that way .
Yet the foolish blindly accept , and say they want to come here ..
5. They won't last five minutes if they believe this utter nonsense .
Get out amougst it , never blindly follow , don't come here if you believe the Australian jail cell reaction to what is a virus , you need a functional immune system .
do you follow news at all -- see the link for the March 28 announcement by thai govt-- not even enough vaccine coming to vaccinate half the Thai population by near the year's end-- so u think some expat is cutting in front of the line. Now, of course, as TIT, something could change tomorrow, but if so, the news will come from the govt, like them, trust them or not, the "inside information " is not to be found on a farang FB page.
I know many people will not like my answer, but I hope no country in the world will accept anyone to get vaccine against payment.
Because all people have a citizenship and should therefore follow the rules for their country.
But if you live in a foreign country, then you must follow the rules for the people in that country.
To all people who want to pay for getting the vaccine, you should think about this:
Would you be proud of yourself if you pay for the vaccine and then know that someone in that country maybe have to wait longer time before they get their vaccine?
the private hospitals are buying their own stock separate from the government acquisition of vaccines. They're meant for anyone who wants to buy them, Foreigner or Thai. The hospital is not going to just vaccinate people who don't pay, so it's not taking vaccine from anyone.
, but then I hope all the people who are willing to pay for the vaccine 💉 instead of waiting in line are proud when they read about poor people who have to wait and have restrictions.
I hope the people who are willing to pay for vaccine will be proud when they think about that they contribute to create bigger differences between people from their country and the country they visit.
there is a difference what we personally want, think or hope for. Paying for your vaccine is not illegal and a choice given (at least in the (near) future). As earlier said by someone else here this option is open for all nationalities. You can discuss about elite treatment, but thats another discussion. Btw I will wait for my turn, but who is able to buy and want to spend for it, feel free to use to legal system. There are people who need it and cant wait for their number to be called. Just respect everyone and if its legal, use the system when you need. Thats why its there for.
Reply to
John *******
Henry *********
Will it be Sinovac or Sputnik?
Paul *******
In phuket it is free for every person no matter which country your from. The private hospitials will charge you 2000 bht
btw this from the Thai health ministry on March 28-- the plan, and how many plans actually play out, has less than 30 million doses by Sept-- that's less than half of thai population of nearly 70 million, and if administering 2 doses, 15 million people out of 70 million. Are expats cutting to the front of the line before Thai citizens-- very doubtful.
what any govt official may say and what I'd reality are two very different things. you tout living in Thailand for many years and you still dont know that. In the most recent months, there must have been half a dozen plans put forward for Phuket, only to see then postponed, cancelled, never implemented.
march 28 bulletin is old news?? Phuket local govt will not be making any vaccine decisions- those will be made by the central govt-- get out of ur fantasy.
Thank you for placing your trust in Bangkok Hospital.
Please be informed that the covid vaccine is not yet available in Bangkok Hospital, it is currently in process. Once available on hand, will update you accordingly.
Furthermore, the type of covid vaccine is AstraZeneca and Sinovac.
Ah ok, I haven't seen anything definitive on side effects other than the blood clots which was proven to be a false alarm. As for effectiveness there's a very useful explainer video for what the numbers actually mean (if you're interested)
not false alarm if you have low platelets which I do have and I am over 60 years old so neither one is ok for me at this time. I am hoping they get the Johnson and Johnson soon here in Thailand since it has been approved.
sorry I should have been more specific. What I meant to say was there was shown to be no evidence of an increase in occurrences of blood clots after vaccination, after several investigations in multiple countries.
Appearantly quite some things if following the recent news. Not as effective and bigger likelihood on side effects. So I’d prefer a different one given the choice. Just personal preference.
effectiveness is more than adequate to keep you from getting severe covid.
there is no evidence the clotting cases were caused by the vaccine. parts-per-million-wise it was also below the number you'd expect to die of clotting in any random sample, according to a virologist.
bungling during the trials wasn't enough to render the data useless. i was wary at the time but it does seem to be proving itself in the wild, numbers-wise.
given a choice between getting AstraZeneca and waiting for Pfizer, Moderna, etc, i'll do the AstraZeneca rather than wait.
Looks like one of the "good" vaccines are still far away :-(
Terary **********
That's the Indian or the Chinese vaccines? I personally don't care. I feel pretty safe here in Thailand. I wonder about other governments and will they accept the any vaccines?
well people smoke,drink and breath air too all of which kill people. Your welcome to your conspiracy theory theres risks every where in life. What about flu vaccine which is different every year as the strain is varied each year. MMR vaccine did yo tell your kids not to have it? Have you seen close members of your family die of covid ? Hsve you had it yourself? Keep blowing hot air I'm sure it will save you and you will live till your 180
It can happen anytime after taking the c19 vaccines. Not necessarily right afterwards. It is experimental and by definition it is not even a vaccine but an mRNA gene therapy. The manufactures are not liable to death or injury so what does that tell you?
you believe what you want. I think your are truly gullible to let them inject that into yourself or anyone without many years of study and experiment. People will read the ingredients to the food they eat but how about reading what's actually going into these experimental DNA altering vaccines?
We are all responsible for our own health and well being. Not the governments. History proves that governments are the biggest threats to humanity and are not to be trusted.
sad but you 100 percent say that the vaccine was the cause ?
Reply to
Christopher *************
Helen *************************
yes, it is available in private hospitals. i ain't sure if price i heard (10,000 baht) if it is correct or not. you should call or visit a nearest hospital around your place to check for correct cost.
Steven ****************
There was a hospital advertised a couple of months back at 10,000 bht but they had to remove that advert as nothing had been approved.
not is NOT available. Nowhere in thailand
Sigurd *********
I hope the price will be 1 million baht if you get the vaccine in Thailand before any Thai citizens, because otherwise you are stealing the vaccine from those waiting in line.
Hmmmm widely tested vaccine that triggers a natural reaction in the immune system to help you fight a virus that has the potential to debilitate you for months. Genuinely, take my money please.
There is certainly nobody dreaming of it free. Who cares either way? But the reality is that nations are all giving vaccines to expats living there - for free. This is happening all over the world. You have to be missing a beat to think that they are going to breakdown immunization patterns because of your nationality.
I don't believe that most countries will be giving vaccine away for free for foreign nationals. But does not really matter either way (as I do not expect Thailand to pay for it for me). All I would want to know is if and where I can get a shot in exchange for my money -- with the money part meaning possible much sooner than if I were to wait for governments (especially this one) to get their act together or following their allocation schemes.
totally understand. Have many canadian and American friends already immunized in Mexico and USA. Same in Netherlands. No cost for foreign nationals. Have not seen anyone report pay for vaccine opportunity in Thailand yet. But it should be in near future
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Todd *********
Douglas *******
I am hoping someone starts offering the Johnson and Johnson vaccine soon. Don't mine paying for that one. The other two I wouldn't want them even if they were free.
Astra Zeneca not good if you have low platelets which can cause blood clots which some people have including me. I am also over 60 years so the sinovac is no good either.
go ahead safe for most people but not sure I want to try it at the moment when there are 3 other ones that are maybe better for me to take. Canada has stopped giving it out to people under 55 years old I guess they dont care about the older people anymore.
Means not expecting the Thai government to pay - as some expats dream about. Could also mean, I am willing to pay whatever price I consider reasonable in exchange for not having to wait for some bureaucratic scheme as can be observed in other countries. Means I pay cash and get a (good) COVID vaccine. Normally Thailand is quick when a business opportunity arises - especially also when it comes to medical offerings. So I am a bit disappointed to not see offerings, yet.
I've have already been told it's free to all in Thailand starting later next month. Local government officer has been to our house as part of the count for amount needed for our town.
Ken *******
I was told too that most Thai people around our area are saying " No thank you" a little scared of whichever vaccine is offered.
Then you would seem to know people of the smarter / more experienced sort ;-) I have heard many voices along the lines of: I pay taxes here, I want the same treatment as Thais (who supposedly will be vaccinated free of charge).