Can a non-resident foreigner get vaccinated in Thailand, and what are the requirements?

April 13, 2021
3 years ago
Mariol *****
Hi dears, I would like to ask, can a non residence foreigner get vaccinated in Thailand? If not, which are the requirements now to be vaccinated in Thailand?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Yes, a non-resident foreigner can get vaccinated in Thailand. While private sales of the COVID-19 vaccine were not available at the time of the questions, private hospitals were beginning to administer the vaccine, which provides an option for foreigners to receive vaccination. It is advisable to check with local private healthcare facilities for specific requirements and availability.
Kyaw ******
Mariol *****
thanks for sharing, so if I enter in Thailand as a non foreign resident can I apply to be vaccinated?
Jerry ********
Kathy ****************
Private hospitals are however beginning to get the vaccine and you can get them from there..
Kathy ****************
The hospitals have not gotten them yet government has given them permission to buy them and I found it on Richard Barrow
Ken ***********
@Kathy ***************
can you give the name of a hospital offering the vaccine to farangs ?
Jerry ********
@Ken ******
There is no hospital offering this at this time.
Ken ***********
@Jerry *******
yes I know just trying to find out where Kathy Eagle Justice found her information
Jerry ********
@Kathy ***************
I do not believe that is correct yet.

The government has said they can but no private hospital can give any confirmation at this time.

If you know different please provide that information.
Tom ********
@Jerry *******
that is correct, I checked with 3 last week.
Benjamin ******
Private sales of COIVD-19 vaccine isn't being sold right now to my knowledge :(
Mariol *****
@Benjamin *****
therefore, foreigners can't be vaccinated in Thailand?
Benjamin ******
@Alga *******
that is correct, they can not.
Jerry ********
@Alga *******
At this time.

In the not too distant future things could be different but we just don’t know yet.
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