When do I need to do the 90-day report for my visa status in Thailand after the recent extensions and amnesty?

August 6, 2020
4 years ago
Jin *****
Hi there, I enter Thailand on 21 January on one month visa on arrival, then extended for one more month. afterwards the letter from my embassy and then amnesty.

When I suppose to do the 90 day report?

I attached the picture where in the left is the extension with embassy letter and right page is the visa on arrival and its extension..
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user inquired about the 90-day reporting requirement after entering Thailand on a one-month visa on arrival and subsequently extending it. The comments clarified that since the user is currently on a 30-day tourist visa extension under amnesty, they are not required to do a 90-day report. Instead, they must either depart Thailand before the amnesty period ends or apply for a new visa.
NiTa *****
Joseph *********
This shows how much attention people pay to visa types and requirements. Its somewhat annoying because it typically reflects hidden agendas for extending stays. IMHO
Tod *********
one last time you DO NOT do a 90 day report there is no need to check, you are NOT on an extension of stay or a visa that requires it

You were on a 30 day visa exempt entry, you got a 30 day extension on that, THEN you got a 30 day unable to travel due to covid extension with a letter from your consulate, and now you are on amnesty.

You can stay until Sept 26th no problem
Jin *****
Thanks everyone.. I should not do the report but I'll double check with IO. Just to be sure..
Kim ******
Jean-Philippe **********
@Kim *****
What are the other reasons

(ilness) you can give to emmigration for staying longer?
Jean-Philippe **********
@Kim *****
Can you show this letter requirements

entirely please?
Kim ******
Alan *******
Clean your fingernails!
Jesper **************
David *********
That’s right on a tourist visa you don’t do a 90 day report because you get 30 days then you exstend another 30 days now you are on the exstention from the government to September 26 then you go home or have to get a visa to stay which one I don’t no
Stan *******
On a tourist visa you get 60 days, not 30, and can extend a further 30 days.

You get 30 days on a visa **exemption, which means you don't have a visa because you are exempt from having one by virtue of your passport!

It's all in the pic attached
Simon **********
Looks to me like you are on a 30 day tourist extension, now under the Amnesty? If so you don’t do 90 day reporting, you either apply for an extension visa or you must depart before 26 September
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