What should I know about my 90-day visa for Thailand, and why am I confused about its dates and duration?

Oct 23, 2024
3 days ago
Jean-Claude *********
to avoid to lose 1 day in Pattaya immigration office, I asked (through the official visa site from Belgium) a 90 days visa by paying 40 €; I had to prove my belgian house, my hotel reservation, my flights confirmation, passport and picture; so they could see that I was travelling from nov. 8 2024 to feb. 5 2025 and they issued a visa starting at the day after their acceptance, i.e. sep. 13 2024 till dec. 11 2024 !!! I sent many mails, no answer at all...

I am so angry, not for the money but for the way they treat the tourists
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user expressed frustration over their 90-day visa application for Thailand, believing they received incorrect dates. Despite paying for a 90-day visa, comments clarified that they likely received a 60-day tourist visa, which is valid for entry for 90 days from issuance but only allows a 60-day stay upon entry. There was a general consensus that the user misunderstood the visa terms, which led to confusion about the stay duration and the necessity of an extension at the immigration office.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
Peter **********
This is a man who refuses to believe he got it wrong even with multiple experts telling him so.

He is not worth the effort of explaining again.
I understand now new rule is some countries can visit Thailand without visa within 30 days unlimited, why not leave on the day 28, or 29 and back again, correct me if I am wrong
Brian **********
No matter how many times you throw the rope, some people will not grab hold.
Anita ********
Good to know that once I apply for a visa, I will have 90 days to enter the country.
Leo *********
Vous avez reçu un visa Touristique vous permettant de rester 60 jours en Thaïlande (exactement comme ce que vous avez avec votre passeport sans visa quand vous arrivez en Thaïlande)

La durée de 90j est la période durant laquelle vous pouvez rentrer en Thaïlande avec ce visa.

Vous auriez pu ne pas demander de visa.

Alors pourquoi ce visa qui donne les même droits que l’exemption de visa? Eh bien car il y a des gens qui voyagent souvent en Thaïlande, trop souvent et risquent d’être refusés à l’aéroport si ils viennent en Thaïlande sans visa (donc ils optent pour un visa touristique)

Il n’y a pas de visa touristique à 40€ permettant de rester 90j SANS faire une extension au bureau de l’immigration, il n’y a pas de « 40€ pour éviter d’y aller ».

La dite extension doit être faite dans un bureau d’immigration local, sur place, cela prend entre 20 minutes et 3h selon le bureau d’immigration. Elle vous permet de rester de nouveau 30j de plus en Thaïlande sans quitter le territoire.

C’est peut-etre pénible mais c’est la règle. Ils sont déjà gentils maintenant l’exemption de visa est de 60j extensible à 90 contre 30 extensible à 60 auparavant.
Scott ********
Same from Canberra Thai Embassy in Australia
Anthony ******************
what is your issue?
Did *****
@Jean-Claude ********
vous avez cru comprendre que la période de validité (90j) était le temps autorisé à rester en Thaïlande. Malheureusement quand on parle de la période de validité pour un visa (qui est un droit d'entrer sur le territoire) cela réfère au laps de temps que ce droit d'entrée est valide (il ya. 90j entre le 13 septembre et le 11 décembre).

Je comprends partiellement votre confusion, lors de l'obtention de mon visa non-o 90j pour rejoindre ma femme j'ai également été confus vis a vis de la terminologie des mots employés, pensant qu'ils s'étaient trompés de date.

Malheureusement pour vous vous n'aurez que 60j a l'arrivée.
Paul ********
They dont like me eithrr
Henrik *****
Rok ********
These dates are the dates you must enter Thailand otherwise the visa will lapse. Once you arrive your passport will be stamped with the date of entry, the last date the visa is still valid (+60 days… + 90 days …) and the visa type. I assume it is a non-O as you would’ve received 90 days exempt in any case.
Jean-Claude *********
Why should I have to pay 40 € for a visa that I get for free at BKK airports ?
Nick ************
@Jean-Claude ********
you don't have to. You chose to.
Pui *****
@Jean-Claude ********
because there are people who either don't qualify for visa exempt entry due to their nationality, or people who have entered many times nearly back to back by visa exempt entries before, and immigration may be less likely to deny them if they have an actual tourist visa. It was your responsibility to decide if you need a tourist visa. The consulate has no problem selling the visa to you if you apply for it. They don't know the circumstances of why you feel you want the visa.
Pat *****
Not sure but I think the dates 13 sep- 11 dec is period you got to enter Thailand, and the 90 days start from the day you enter.
Greg ***********
@Pat ****
wrong, he will get stamped in for 60 days, not for 90 days
Pat *****
@Greg **********
maybe wrong, but i reacted on what he wrotes... 90 days visa
Greg ***********
@Pat ****
the Tourist Visa is valid for entering Thailand within 90 days. Upon entry, he will get stamped in for 60 days upon entry. If he wants to stay for 90 days, he needs to buy the 30-days extension. He is confusing the period of the visa validity with the period of the allowed stay permit
Pat *****
@Greg **********
means he have not a 90 day visa as he wrote
Greg ***********
@Pat ****
no, he doesn't. He got a 60-days tourist visa
Greg ***********
Cool down, Jean-Claude Bauduin

There is no 90-days tourist visa

There only is a 90-days Non-imm-O visa based on marriage or retirement, it would have cost 80.- Euros fee

A “single entry 60-days Tourist Visa” for 40.- Euros, is valid for a one-time entry for 90 days, starting on the day of its issue

When you enter on November 8, you will get stamped in for a 60-days stay permit (“admitted until”) until January 7, 2025

Always immediately check the stamp you receive from the Immigration officer if he/she stamped you in correctly for 60 days

About two weeks before the stay permit expires, visit Immigration and apply for the 30-days touristic extension

It costs a fee of 1900.- THB and will carry you on to February 6, 2025

Everything is fine – sit back and relax, and enjoy Thailand, the beautiful country, during its peak season!
Jean-Pierre **********
Bonjour. Arrivée thailande 9 nov. Vous avez droit 60 jours . Donc vers le 7 janvier, vous allez service immigration demander une extension de 30 jours pour 19oo baths. Voir documents requis sur internet. Pas très compliqué. Et vous êtes bon jusqu'au 5 février. Bon voyage.
Jean-Claude *********
@Jean-Pierre *********
j'ai payé 40 € pour ne pas devoir y aller
Jean-Pierre **********
@Jean-Claude ********
j'ai eu le même cas de figure avec un visa de 6 mois. Reçu en seulement en 3 jours. J'ai donc perdu un mois , car le départ prévu un mois plus tard.
Ian *********
from my way of thinking u can use the 90 day visa when u like within the 2 dates on it . . its till 90 days from when u enter thialand . u just need use the visa by 11 dec 2024 .which u will if u are enter thailand in nov 8 2024 .so no problem and no issues .
Lynnette *******
@Ian ********
because he maybe thought the "visa valid for 90 days" was how long he could stay. But it's not. It's valid for 90 days to use for entering the country.
Ian *********
yep. u just need activate/use the visa before its end date and u still get the 90 days, i used to use the o' visa for years to get 90 days per entry .i got a 1 yr multi entry o visa for yrs till they stopped it .
Lynnette *******
Oh dear. It's the problem of wording. Reading the experts reply: The visa is valid for 90 days to use for your entry into the country.

The duration of that stay will be 60 days.
Martyn ***********
Much easier to come on the 60 and get and agent to do your extension...
Jean-Claude *********
@Martyn **********
and pay how much ?
Pat *****
@Jean-Claude ********
60 days on exemption is free, the 30 days extension is 1900 Baht..
Jean-Claude *********
from white to black with all strikes ...
Jean-Claude *********
I know Thailand a bit also and read many crap here
Jean-Claude *********
@Pat ****
not for an agent, must add fees and tips
Pat *****
@Jean-Claude ********
need agent for a simple extension?
Jan ******************
@Jean-Claude ********
A 30 days extension is 1900 baht. 4000-5000 baht with an agent. Total waist of money. Easy peasy, passport with stamp, pass photo, receipt of TM.30 if asked for, 1900 baht cash and apply on a TM.7 form at the immigration.
Martyn ***********
@Jan *****************
the guy doesn't want to waste a day..
Stuart ***********
@Martyn **********
it takes about 30 minutes.
Did *****
@Martyn **********
well he waisted time, money and still some time to get his extension for 30 days 😁
Jan ******************
You might have applied for a 60 days tourist visa valid for 90 days.

You don’t need to upload any flight tickets for applying for a 90 days Non O at the Thai embassy in Belgium. And the fee is € 80. Single entry tourist visa cost € 40 as you paid.
Sue **********
Everything is ok you can enter on Nov 8 and stay 90 days.
James *********
Chill bro, you're ok 🙏
Todd *********
you sent 'many emails'?? About what? You are confused about the whole process, that's the problem. There is no 90 day tourist visa. And the 11 Dec date is the expiry of the validity of the visa. So you must enter thailand before that date to use it
Jean-Claude *********
@Todd ********
I am not confused at all neither, I followed just their instructions ; so maybe they are
Todd *********
@Jean-Claude ********
you are indeed completely confused. Read the excellent comments from others and sort yourself out. The errors here are yours. And once again, there is no 90 day tourist visa. Only 60 days. Or did you apply for a Non-immigrant visa?
Kim *********
@Jean-Claude ********
you clearly don't understand your visa since you talk about wrong dates which they are not
Jean-Claude *********
@Todd ********
the 90 days visa DO exist, I got it but at the wrong dates
Kim *********
@Jean-Claude ********
not wrong dates - read the comments and read properly what is written in your visa. The valid from is the earliest you can enter Thailand and valid until is the last day you can enter Thailand and it also says for how long you can stay in Thailand
Pui *****
@Jean-Claude ********
you clearly don't understand visa validity dates. A single entry tourist visa is valid to be used once within 90 days from the day it is granted, and allows a 60 day stay once you use it to enter the country. You can enter the expiration date and still be stamped in to stay for 60 days. You can extend that entry for an extra 30 days one time at immigration offices within Thailand. Think of the visa like a gift certificate you buy from a store that expires in 90 days. It has nothing to do with the value of the gift certificate itself. And yes, we know that both tourist visas and visa exempt entries grant 60 day stays, and both can be extended once for the extra 30 days. The tourist visa still exists because some people either are from a nationality that doesn't qualify for visa exempt entry, or because they have a potentially problematic previous entry history of many visa exempt entries, and getting an actual tourist visa helps reduce the risk of being denied entry. No one granted your visa for the wrong dates. Single entry tourist visas always expire 90 days from the day the consulate issues it. Consulates do not date the validity start date in the future to match your travel dates. That's not how it works.
Jan ******************
@Jean-Claude ********
Are u sure you didn’t apply for a 60 days tourist visa valid for 90 days. Non Immigrant visa normally cost the double of what you paid (€80) and there’s no onward ticket requirement, in fact you can apply without uploading any tickets at all? Tourist visa can be more strict regarding this.
Jean-Claude *********
@Jan *****************
60 days is free now
Jan ******************
@Jean-Claude ********
60 days visa exemption is free. A 60 days tourist visa is still € 40 at the Thai embassy in Brussels. A 90 days Non Immigrant visa is € 80 in Brussels.
Scott *********
Thay want more money
Max **********
Boomers 🤦🏻‍♂️
Pete *******
You wasted your money as you failed to do your research.
Paul ********
@Pete ******
il est belge
Steve *******
The visa you applied for is valid to use for 90 days from it's date of issue, it only gives you a 60 days stay in Thailand. Unfortunately you obviously misunderstood the terms of the visa. The anger you feel should be directed at yourself not the evisa website via Belgium!
Wayne *********
So if you only got the TR60 visa. Entry valid for 90 days then the sad news for you is you have not avoided the one day at immigration to get extension of 30 days giving you the 90 days.
John *******
Two points: 1. The dates listed are probably the timeframe that you are allowed to ENTER Thailand, not the length of time you can stay in Thailand. Since you plan to enter on November 5th, this is fine. 2. What do you mean by a 90-day visa? You mentioned that you are a tourist, so would assume you applied for a tourist visa, but those are 60 days.
Neil *******
Maybe travel isn’t for you
Rene ********
Asim ********
Read carefully on Visa this mention period only to enter in Thailand. You will get the visa at the airport when you arrive.
David ********
You did not have to buy a 90-day tourist visa. In plain language that is called a scam. Thailand regards most scams as fair play..
Kim *********
@Asim *******
he has a visa and will not get a visa when he arrives. A visa is an entry permit and when it is shown in the airport it will now be a permission to stay
Greg ***********
@Asim *******
he won't get any visa upon entry. He will get a "60-days stay permit" stamped and his 60-days tourist visa becomes invalid upon entry
Phil ******
@Asim *******
no Visa. You will be stamped in Visa Exempt.
Ken ***********
What type of 90 day visa did you receive ? I am only familiar with the Non O 90 days for visiting family or retirement. Otherwise, just the normal 60 day visa.

If you do indeed have a 90 day visa then the dates of the visa of 13Sep2024 to 11Dec2024 is the visa validity dates; as long as you enter between those dates, you will receive a 90 day stamp.
Jan ******************
Ken ***********
@Jan *****************
the 40 Euro Tourist Visa is for 60 days and can ve extended for 30 days same as the visa exempt.
Jan ******************
@Ken **********
Yes but OP tried to apply for a 90 days visa prior to his trip to avoid the extension in Thailand.
Jan ******************
@Jean-Claude ********
90 days visa is €80 at the embassy in Brussels. Tourist visa €40. Both are valid for 90 days.
Greg ***********
@Ken **********
wrong, he will receive a 60-days stamp because what he got is a single entry tourist visa for 40.- Euro
Jean-Claude *********
Greg ***********
@Jean-Claude ********
you are confusing the period of the visa validity, with the period of the allowed stay. The visa validity starts on the day of issue, and it means that you can use the visa for entering Thailand within a period of 90 days. The duration of the stay permit you will receive upon entering Thailand, depends on the visa class. You got a single entry 60-days Tourist Visa, so you will be stamped in with a 60-days stay permit . . this is a typical 60-days stay permit stamp
Greg ***********
@Jean-Claude ********
Cool down, Jean-Claude Bauduin

There is no 90-days tourist visa

There only is a 90-days Non-imm-O visa based on marriage or retirement, it would have cost 80.- Euros fee

A “single entry 60-days Tourist Visa” for 40.- Euros, is valid for a one-time entry for 90 days, starting on the day of its issue

When you enter on November 8, you will get stamped in for a 60-days stay permit (“admitted until”) until January 7, 2025

Always immediately check the stamp you receive from the Immigration officer if he/she stamped you in correctly for 60 days

About two weeks before the stay permit expires, visit Immigration and apply for the 30-days touristic extension

It costs a fee of 1900.- THB and will carry you on to February 6, 2025

Everything is fine – sit back and relax, and enjoy Thailand, the beautiful country, during its peak season!
Greg ***********
@Jean-Claude ********
I am not wrong. The 40.- Euro you paid is the fee for a 60-days single entry Tourist Visa.
Jan ******************
@Ken **********
Yes, but I think OP might mistakenly have applied for a 60 days tourist visa valid for 90 days at €40, instead of a 90 days Non O visa valid for 90 days at €80.

With Non O you don’t need to provide any air tickets either.
Ken ***********
Colin *********************
Those dates are between when you must enter Thailand; not the dates of your stay. You have the visa for the length of time you requested.
Rene ******
@Colin ********************
and he'll have 60 days (what he would have gotten anyway), so still has to extend.
Colin *********************
@Rene *****
which is why I said the length of time requested rather than 90 days - unless he applied for a non-O (in which case the price seems low)
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