What should I do if my Thai visa application was rejected due to a missing middle name?

Oct 2, 2024
14 days ago
Maxime *******
Application for soft power Thai boxing now rejected by the Paris embassy for the following reason:

"Your visa application has been rejected. personal information (full name including middle names and surnames, nationality, sex, date of birth, passport number or passport issued country) in the application does not match the information on the passport."

After some research, it seems that it's because I didn't put my middle name in “middle name”.

I saw on some sites that it wasn't always the case for middle names, so I preferred not to put anything...

My question is whether anyone has been in the same situation and managed to regularize it afterwards.

I've just sent an e-mail to explain the situation, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to reapply and lose 350€
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user's Thai boxing visa application was rejected by the Paris embassy due to mismatched personal information, particularly the omission of their middle name. They seek advice on whether others have faced similar issues and managed to resolve them. Community responses emphasize the importance of accurately filling out visa applications, using the full name as it appears on the passport. Many users suggest that the application will likely need to be reapplied for, resulting in a loss of the application fee, and some share experiences of similar oversight leading to complications.
Elías ********
One question: at what stage was the visa when it was rejected? Document check? Pending Approval?
Maxime *******
@Elías *******
was in pending approval 😩
Henrik *****
That’s what happend if you don’t read the website of the Thai Embassy thoroughly before applying.
Graham *******
If it says middle name, they want a middle name.
Siam ******
Si c'est refusé c'est refusé. Pay again🤣🤣🤣
Siam ******
Ce visa va encore permettre à certains d'abuser de fausses situations !
Maxime *******
@Siam *****
c’est drôle 👍
Martino *******
This was an E-Visa? For even a slight error they can just cancel your request. I don't think is formally correct to say that you got "denied", probably they will just "cancel" it.

This mean that you did a formal mistake but you can apply again, it does not mean that you don't have the requisites to obtain the Visa.

It happened to me too months ago, they "cancelled" the request... they say that their system doesn't allow any changes, they can't change what you put. So if the information is wrong, even a small detail, they will delete your request.
John *******
French are masters of bureaucracy and burning Welsh sheep

Surely a simple correspondence could sort this ridiculous
Bryan **********
Thailand seriously has to sabotage every good idea they have!! It's truly amazing
Klee **************
Clearly, they should allow you to add your middle name and not make you pay for the whole application process again, that is not fair
Klee **************
Yes, you have to put your middle name on the application, same thing with the airline companies, I was very lucky to get on a flight once when I didn’t put my middle name on my airline reservation, my middle name is clearly on my passport, I will never make that mistake again
Dave **********
Paris is terrible embassy. They always want more and more info. Even if you provide what's on the list first time. I'm dreading applying for my DTV
Maxime *******
Thanks all. And in passport issued country, did you put exactly the same thing on ur passport or you just put the name of the country ?

My one is « prefecture du var Toulon ». Should I put this or just France ?
Jj ****
If bio data are wrong, the money is gone
Alain ***************
That was already a known problem when they introduced the e-visa for tourists. glad my embassy picked up the phone to confirm. I never use my middle name but thai places like hospitals use it because it’s easy ro pronounce
Jimmie *******
Even on some airlines now won't ley you on plane unless you put your middle on. This world is anal
Klee **************
@Jimmie ******
very true
Gerry ********
their rules, not yours.

If in doubt, provide more information than they ask for, never less.
Kevin ********
The visa would be issued in the name on the passport, if the name is different then on arrival you would be refused entry on that visa for the visa NOT being yours.

It’s the same with ANY legal document. If it requests full name then you need to put full name.

Same if you have middle name on credit card and don’t use when it asks for name when paying it won’t be approved. How do people not understand this.
Angelo ***********
@Kevin *******
On Credit Card payments you can regularly leave out the middle name. But I agree that it is plain stupid do apply for a visa an intentionally leave the middle name out. It is already risky for a plane ticket.
Kevin ********
@Angelo **********
on credit cards if your middle name is on the card and you leave out it won’t be approved for payment. The verification is automated and the info would be incorrect. My cards all have my middle name, so I’m used to filling it out as a matter of normality.
Angelo ***********
@Kevin *******
Mine does.

Or why would I write this?

My current credit card: does not even have a name on it!
Kevin ********
@Angelo **********
it the name on the account should be the same. Certainly every card I’ve had in Europe has required name to be same as card/account. The odd occasion I’ve not put full name it always gets rejected for incorrect details.
Angelo ***********
@Kevin *******
The point was about using a credit card online. So, if you leave out the middle name, in Europe: never was a problem for me. Does not mean it is no problem, just pointing out my experiences. For the flight ticket: it can be a problem. But they usually just scan passport number. For a visa: IT IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM.
Kevin ********
@Angelo **********
it’s the same for everything, if the details don’t match they can and do refuse. If your passport has middle name for visa the application must have middle name. If you don’t, as this person found out it will be rejected.

It requests FULL name on application. As written in your passport.

I’ve seen many people refused for having incorrect spelling on the ticket of their own name. Normally booked by someone else.
Wannikea *********
Always always always use the exact full name used in your passport for a visa application, flight ticket, etc.
Klee **************
@Wannikea ********
100% agree, I’ve learned that the hard way, luckily I was able to board the flight with Japan Airlines, they clearly told me they could deny me boarding, always use your middle name if it’s on your passport
Gary *******
It may be different for Paris, but just send them the updated (correct) info - ie your FULL name exactly as it appears to n your passport - and ask them to reconsider. Other consulates will usually do that. I think it's under "additional uploads" in the evisa system, or you may need to email the consulate directly.
Glenn **********
@Gary ******
that will not work. They do not unreject a decision. The OP needs to apply again with correct data. Anyway, it's not possible to change what you filled in, only send additional documents if asked for.
Gary *******
@Glenn *********
it worked for one of our volunteers applying in London. (Okay so it wasn't a DTV, but the process was the same because they agreed to change the visa type without any additional charge, if the correct documents were submitted. In the end, after considerable toing and froing, they made the amendments to the application manually and issued the correct visa.)

Maybe your experience with Paris is different.
Tod *********
You will indeed lose the 350€ and have to re-apply,

Happens a LOT more than you would imagine 🙁
Roberto *******
Unfortunately, you'll have to apply again, and this time fill out EVERY area of the form they ask for.
Max *****
Low brainer. Money is gone. Apply again and enter everything correctly

I hd similar case. Nothing helps
Romain ****
You made mistake they won’t say sorry ;) just fill form correctly ^^
Ko *****************
Did you lose visa fees?
James ********
@Ko ****************
Yep 👍 lost.
Ko *****************
@James *******
It is sorry to know that.

Let me suggest you that you should apply in person any convenient consulate. That might not be lost visa fees. Once they accept and give receipt. You have good chance to obtain visa.
Andy **********
@Ko ****************
I think all the neighbouring countries to Thailand, are moving over to the e-visa system, I think they said the 8th of October, there was a post a couple of days ago, someone said KL was not accepting any more DTV applications, and was giving people tourist visas.
Ko *****************
@Andy *********
Yes, I just came back from Kota Bharu. Consulate office announced evisa system will be implemented on 8th October 2024.

But Myanmar, Laos remain walk in.

Alternatively India Chanai , Kolkota may accept walk in.
James ********
@Ko ****************
I am NOT 🚫 the one that lost the DTV visa fees. It was the applicant who made the error on the application. And FYI... several of the Thai Embassy or Consulates located nearby Thailand will change to the on-line Evisa application system soon. So walk in or by appointment for the visa will not be possible.
Niall ***************
Whatever name is on your passport, goes on the application!!
John ********
You’ll need to apply and pay again. Being able to fill out your name correctly is a basic requirement
Paul ********
@John *******
She ´preferred ‘ not to put anything in the middle name slot. Expensive thinking
Chris ******
@John *******
You must be a lot of fun at parties.
James ********
Chris Knox but he's correct ✅
Paul ********
John ********
@Chris *****
you would never be let in my parties boy. Stick to your baby oil freak offs
Chris ******
@John *******
C'mon, call it what it is, a money grab. Embassies would cultivate a lot of good will if they simply charged a "fix fee" for small mistakes like this.
Karl *********
@Chris *****
It asked for a middle name and he intentionally didn’t put it because he doesn’t like it. Not so much a mistake.. It’s an official application at an embassy of course it needs to be correct.. No fix fee because it’s their problem, fix it and come back.

I don’t use my legal name generally.. I certainly do when I fill out any official document or booking an overseas ticket.. because this is what happens.
Chris ******
@Karl ********
It's a simple mistake. All countries do not do this. Some of them actually email the applicant and let them know what the error was.
John *******
From other people’s responses, sounds like you will have to reapply. Surprised that sites would say it is ok to not put your full name. That is usually a major issue for visas and plane tickets
Chris ******
@John ******
Plane tickets, really? I have not used my passport name on a plane ticket in 40 years and have flown hundreds of times without an issue.
Andy **********
Chris Knox I've never heard anyone say that for flights before, I always thought it said "enter name as it appears on your passport" 🤔
Kool *******
Chris Knox of course you have...lolol
John *******
Chris Knox - I fly 5 times a month, mostly around Asia. Our travel office has always said you need to ensure middle name is correct/included or you could be denied boarding.
Pui *****
Chris Knox this is highly country specific. US airlines generally don't care about middle name. Asian airlines almost all do,and expect an exact match to your passport, especially for international flights.