What are the common challenges and experiences when applying for a Thai visa through the Los Angeles consulate?

Sep 30, 2024
16 days ago
Brian ***********
DTV obtained, Los Angeles consulate. Rejected first try. Received email after 4 grueling weeks that I had not typed my name exactly the same or had added or removed a space in typing my name, so different compared to my passport. Lost the $400, nonrefundable - that hurt! No response from Thai Evisa folks about details for my rejection. LA consulate responded by email just saying the money is nonrefundable and I would have to do a new application. Applied again, though I didn't know the exact mistake I made. Carefully typed my name...

Received based on Workation. I have a LLC, incorporated a few years already, and work is now done online. I sent incorporation paperwork, local city business license paperwork, and an affidavit (Googled examples of this after reading notes on this forum) attesting I am the owner, sole worker, all work done online, will have no Thai clients, etc. Sent current account statements. Driver license for proof of residency. Copy of passport. Current photo.

Everything same as first application. Paid again. Approved this time in approx 10 days.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Many applicants have shared their frustrating experiences with the Thai visa application process through the Los Angeles consulate, particularly regarding rejections due to minor technicalities such as name discrepancies. One user recounted a rejection where they lost $400 in non-refundable fees due to a simple typing error. Despite providing comprehensive documentation for their second application, they stress the importance of meticulous attention to detail in online forms to avoid similar mishaps. Several commenters echoed these sentiments, suggesting that rejection rates may be unusually high at this consulate, leading to suspicions of unfair practices. There are warnings about ensuring that all entries match exactly with passport information to avoid costly reapplication fees.
Chris ******
Yup, my experience exactly. I will never apply via LA Consulate again.
Kuripot *****
@Chris *****
There is some kind of corruption going on at the LA Consulate. It seems they are rejecting applications for no reason, then asking you to reapply again and pay another $400. A complete money grab! It has happened to a bunch of us.
Klee **************
That doesn’t seem very fair to me, I was approved at the consulate in Vancouver in two days, I was also rejected the first time, but they didn’t make me pay again
Jason *********
I think if Ie rejected, I'll go to Jakarta in person to reapply. I hear they do same day walk-ins there.
Jason *********
They made you pay again? Dang I haven't heard about this. Seems like you should be able to just adjust or they could request more documents...
Henrik *****
It can only be people that didn’t thoroughly read the webpages of the Thai Embassy they will apply at.

It is stated very clear at most embassy websites all over the world, that errors in personal details have to excact right, and the embassy staff can not change any of the details.

And errors will cost you the fee.

And it is regardless of which visa you apply for.

Here is an example:

Titiya **************
Same thing with U.s Embassy, nonrefundable and everything type in online must be complete,there are a hundreds question need to click on. I prepared fully documentaries along with financial. Once my turn to interview, they were asked me 3 questions n gave me a pink note(rejected) without look at my support document. Then i need to reapplied then i got it! I need to double check 3-4 times all over details i insert via online application.
Adam ************
The fact that they kept your money on a technicality is really disappointing.
Mike *********
Mine was rejected first time round too for a spelling mistake too
David ************
@Adam ***********
Believe me, in the Thai bureaucracy’s view, those technicalities counts.
Cliff *********
Thank you for the update.

This is not the first report of name error between the passport data page and the boxes for entering your name.

Last week a guy reported a zero being substituted for an O .

The machine could not read my passport data page and I’m asked to resubmit that document.

So maybe the problem is with their scanning the passport data page.
Kuripot *****
I had the exact same thing happen to me out of the Los Angeles consulate with the same reason they gave you. Makes me think they are rejecting all first time applications to get another $400. Highly suspect.