What additional requirements are needed for a Muay Thai DTV visa in Thailand and what common reasons might lead to application rejection?

Oct 6, 2024
10 days ago
Josh ****
Planning on visiting Thailand for the 9th time. The first few times I got a 90 day visa and the last few were 60 day visas + 30 day extensions. The last time I went out I provided an acceptance letter from a Muaythai gym with a registration number. I also provided everything else you need to provide for the 90/60 day visas. Is there anything else I need to provide for the DTV when it comes to muaythai purposes and are there any reasons why an application could be turned down? (The more reasons you list the better) I can also provide bank statements showing significant funds. I've had to result to creating a facebook to ask this since the Royal Thai embassy London haven't replied to any of my emails. It says there are no refunds when applying for an E-Visa so would prefer to know before I apply and pay as this is a new visa and just wanted to make sure I get everything right. Any help would be much appreciated.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
This post discusses the requirements for obtaining a DTV (Digital Nomad) visa for Muay Thai training in Thailand, specifically for an individual planning their ninth visit. The user has previously held 90-day and 60-day visas and is inquiring if additional documentation is needed for the DTV visa beyond what they provided earlier, which included a gym acceptance letter. They are also looking for reasons why DTV visa applications could be denied, emphasizing the importance of understanding the requirements before applying, especially given the non-refundable nature of the e-visa applications. Community comments provide insights into previous applicants' experiences and suggest verifying all documentation to avoid mistakes.
James ********
Has the Muay Thai gym been successful in getting the DTV visa for others who wish to train at their gym ? Those who have been successful in providing the correct documents accepted by the Thai Embassy or Consulate are the ones that I suggest you use.
James ********
James ********
Stephen ********
Go there in person, they can then point out if you missed any little stupid things.
James ********
@Stephen *******
there's NO in person application process in the UK. It uses the Evisa online application system.
Stephen ********
@James *******
I would have someone check before you send it then. Someone in person for silly mistakes like wrong birthdate etc. Then maybe someone who has applied already if possible
Nin *****
I didn’t provide enough info on my application, but they just asked me for more, which I provided and it was approved the next day.
John *******
When you say “registration number” do you registered with the Ministry of Education or a business registration?
Josh ****
@John ******
I am going there for muaythai purposes. So what worked for me with other visas was an invitation letter from a gym with that gyms business registration number on it.
John *******
Josh CG - From what I have seen from other posts, the Muay Thai gym needs to be registered with the Ministry of Education as a training center. Not sure what other visas required enrollment as part of the formal requirements.
James ********
@John ******
correct ✅. The gym MUST meet added requirements for the DTV visa.
Josh ****
@John ******
Oh okay. I will check. Thanks.
John **********
Josh CG I believe you need to have booked and paid for the Muay Thai course, just an invitation letter won't cut. You need an actual acceptance letter confirming you are enrolled on a course.
Aaron ********