What is the claim-back process for medical expenses with Bangkok Insurance after a recent purchase?

April 12, 2024
5 months ago
Rosie *****
My partner and I bought insurance with Bangkok Insurance (via Bangkok Bank) yesterday. We received medical insurance cards with instructions to arrive at the hospital and present the card and ID if we ever needed to use it. Today, my partner twisted his ankle whilst running and we ended up at the hospital. He's got a nasty ligament tear and a tibia fracture. Because our insurance policy is so new (purchased yesterday afternoon), we were not in the system yet and the hospital couldn't get through to the insurers due to Songkran.

We were advised to pay for all bills and claim back. Obviously, we did this so that he could receive treatment.

Does anyone know the process to claim back medical expenses with Bangkok Insurance, when ideally we should have been covered immediately? We have all receipts, medical reports etc.

Assuming we meet all criteria and evidence, will they just pay directly into his bank account the full amount?

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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user details their experience as they attempt to claim medical expenses from Bangkok Insurance after their partner sustained injuries shortly after purchasing insurance. The hospital could not process the insurance due to a lack of system registration during the Songkran festival, leading them to pay out-of-pocket. Other users share insights on insurance claims, including potential waiting periods for new policies and advice on reading the fine print of insurance contracts.
Christopher ***********
Don’t be put off claiming. You have all necessary paperwork. I’m seeing Insurance Enquiry; 0 2285 8585 Monday to Friday 08.00 to 17.00. Also; Line @bangkokinsurance Failing that;
Should be open from Wednesday 17th April.
Steve *******
Have you thought of going to the bank and asking
Cris ******
I didn't know the banks did medical insurance. I thought it was only accident. Like vehicle accident medical coverage.
Christopher ***********
@Cris *****
It’s Personal Accident Insurance.
Cris ******
@Christopher **********
ya. I know that. The poet sounded like non accident. Just slip and fall injury. Was confused.
Henrik *****
I would have gone with the travelinsurance and have reported it there, even before or under transport to the hospital.

In stead of relying on maybe / maybe not covering new insurance.
Jennifer ******
Do you have a copy of the policy and did you read the fine print? Certain hospitals may not be on the list and also if there is co insurance, you may need to absorb a certain amount for the treatment and the rest of it is covered. There will also be an initial period where you cannot make any claims. Do you have any travel insurance coverage? Maybe that could provide cover instead.
Ric ****
Are you here on a work or non-tourist visa?
Bob **********
Take hospital bills and insurance paper into Bangkok Bank some policies want you to wait 3-6 months before you use them good luck
Bill *********
Usually you have to be on the plan at least 30 days maybe 90 ?
Martin ******
Question for anyone who might know - how is it Bangkok bank can offer a year accident insurance for 5,900 Baht, whereas an international health policy with a 1 million Baht limit would cost closer to 10,000 Baht (and have so many exclusions and limits that really you need to pay 4 times as much to be effectively covered)?
Marty *********
@Martin *****
Look at what the policies cover. Accident insurance will cover accidents not a heart attack.
Martin ******
Thanks Marty yes silly asking on fb really. But I am much more worried about accidents than the rest, and the price difference is enormous - I can't find anything worthwhile for less than 40,000 Baht each really, I'd take the risk on heart attack, I guess onset of a chronic condition, etc for the 90% saving. Must be something I'm not seeing.
Christopher ***********
@Martin *****
I’ve looked into many policies. Personal Accident Insurance is worth having because it’s better than nothing. Premiums are low because the maximum pay out is low too. There are exclusions for risky activities. The main selling point is that, if aged under 65, you will be covered for motorcycle injuries. Annual Healthcare Plans cover both illness and injury too. In my case, I’d be looking at £6,500 GBP per annum with exclusions for pre-existing conditions. Important to realise (I didn’t) that any claim related to a pre-existing condition (even if undiagnosed) would not be paid.
Martin ******
This is what put me off. I was biting the bullet and enrolling with one. They were leaving no stone unturned in their quest to have something as a pre-existing condition. I had a weird symptom about 6 years ago, figured I'd see a doctor just out of 'doing the right thing', was sure it was fine but there was a vanishingly small chance of it being something serious that I shouldn't rely on Google. The doctor almost declined to test, and all was clear, as expected. The prospective insurer wanted to know which tests were performed in that appointment 6 years before my enrolling.

I therefore figured I'd gain no peace of mind from the insurance and it was just a lottery whether it was financially worthwhile, with the odds against me.

(Hopefully I won't be back here in a few months time ruing my logic!)
กะลาสี *****
If I were in your situation, I'd take time to read the fine print on the policy paperwork that they should have provided you. I'd imagine the whole "waiting period" so many people are speculating about would be written in the policy details.
Sriamporn **********
May I ask how much per year for ins.? Thank you 😊
Yvonne *****
5900b a year - very good deal.
Yvonne *****
@Bob *********
thanks, will check it out.
Bob **********
@Yvonne ****
they have one better policy I think it’s 8999b
Onne ***********
good insurance, she pay you
Jonathan *******
Usually Thai insurance providers have a 3 month cool off policy where you can't claim. I'm not sure if this applies to your case, it's maybe why they can't find it on the system
Stephen ********
if they pay at all
Jacob ********
And for the expats that live here ????? ZERO! WE have to pay a higher fee than the Thais.
Jo ****
@Jacob *******
. Thay are racist.
Jacob ********
@Jo ***
Tourists ok? Personally I don,t do the dual pricing thing. I would rather die before I would allow a insurance company take my money or even a hospital if they are going to over charge me. Better the money goes to my familyt.
Phil ******
@Rosie ****
are you on a tourist visa? If so you are covered under the government insurance anyway

Ross **********
@Phil *****
do you have to register for this insurance at the airport on arrival?
Simon *******
@Ross *********
you have to have a visa and register on line ,beware registration only last 2weeks ,have to reregister
Phil ******
@Ross *********
no Ross if you enter Visa Exempt your not covered
Ross **********
@Phil *****
Peter *******
Travel insurance claim is ideal for that accident. Report within 24 hours, sometimes they stipulate that
Robert ***********
Sorry for your incident. My insurance comment would be in line with everyone else.

Would you mind giving everyone an idea on what treatment you received and what you wound up paying out of pocket jet up front? Also where you received treatment.

Us *****
Never buy insurance from a bank. Also, there is probably a 30 day waiting period to avoid fraud.
Martin ******
Apologies for the insensitive question, do please ignore unless you've time to kill.

Which policy did you use? A specific one for foreigners? I've been trying to figure it out online but their English website doesn't really work. We're family of three on Elite visas if it makes any difference.
Rosie *****
@Martin *****
we actually didn't even look or search for it. It was a condition of opening a savings account with Bangkok Bank. We got the policy completely blind, on the advice of the bank teller, or else we couldn't open our bank accounts.

Our policy is "PA 1st VIP" which is personal accident plan 1. It cost 5,900 baht and covers us for one year up to 3 million baht medical.

Good luck!
Christopher ***********
@Rosie ****
I was talked into applying for this as part of the deal to obtain a retirement visa, 12 months extension and open a Bangkok Bank savings account. I was independently advised that the policy was worth having, especially as it covers motorcycle accidents. I renewed it up until age 65 when motorcycle cover is no longer available. I never made any claim so can’t advise further I’m afraid. Please let us know how you go on!
Martin ******
Rosie Xip thanks very much for taking the time to reply. That's sounds very worthwhile, wish we were similarly blackmailed! Hope all goes well with your partner.
Marty *********
When I made a claim on my Kasikorn accident insurance I just went into the bank and talked to a bank officer. I had hospital receipts. They paid into my bank account in 30 days.
Chizel *******
@Marty ********
do you need to list pre-existing conditions when applying for accident insurance?
Marty *********
@Chizel ******
It was accident insurance offered through a bank. They didn’t ask for anything except the fee.

Pre-existing conditions apply for my comprehensive Pacific Cross insurance.

After I turned 65 I couldn’t get bank accident insurance.
Chizel *******
@Marty ********
if pre-existing conditions aren't going to be questioned or cause issues with reimbursement then I may look into the accident insurance if they have decent coverage. Cheers.


Actually may not even worry as maximum coverage is only 100k in the event of a claim.

"Maximum payment for medical expenses due to general accident, murder or assault, accident while travelling on a motorcycle, and political violence. There is no limit to the number of incidents or accidents."
John **********
In my experience there is usually an initial period during which claims will not be paid. Can't remember exactly how long this is but I'm thinking 3 months
Bart **************
@John *********
very unlikely that this applies to such accidents. It applies to stuff that you can see coming. This is not that.

If any claims were impossible for three months, you're giving them money for three months without getting anything in return. You're essentially uninsured. Then no one would buy their policy.
John **********
@Bart *************
I'm not so sure. Check out "Waiting Period"


I use AIA although not through Bangkok Bank and I have 2 distinct policies. One is for health (like the bank one above) and the other is for accidents such as the OP describes. My Health policy doesn't cover accidents and vice versa
Rosie *****
@John *********
okay thanks. That's good to know. We have travel insurance elsewhere too so will likely claim with them if Bangkok Insurance say no (y)
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