What is the best way to manage my visa situation in Thailand while awaiting my parental rights after the birth of my daughter?

September 20, 2024
3 days ago
Joe ********
Hello everyone. I just arrived on a 60 day visa. My girlfriend and I are expecting a daughter in December. After which, we will file the paperwork for my parental rights. My question involves my visa. Right now my understanding is that I will file an extension that will take me to the end of November. After that I plan on doing border runs until my family member visa and parental rights paperwork can get done. Is this the best way to go about things? Thank you for any advice!
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is seeking advice on the best way to manage their visa situation after arriving in Thailand on a 60-day visa, especially as they will soon have a child. Comments indicate that obtaining parental rights might take longer than anticipated, especially if the parents are not married. The suggestion of using a 'border run' agency is made to help with visa extensions, and experiences with similar situations are shared.
Tim ********
I came to Thailand on a 60 day and extended 30. Went to taiwan for a week and got a new 60 day and will extend 30
James *********
What's your age Joe?
Joe ********
John *********
Don’t both parents have parental rights because they are the biological parents?
Kate *******
@John ********
even in the UK this wasn’t the case until the early 2000’s when the law changed. It’s very normal in many places that only the mother has parental rights if the couple isn’t married.
Brandon ************
@John ********
not unless they are married when the child is born and both name are on the birth certificate.
Brandon ************
If you're not married when the child is born then you don't have parental rights. You have to go through the courts as Steve said and it can be expensive and take a long time. I wouldn't be counting on it happening very quickly.
Joe ********
@Brandon ***********
Understood, thank you for the correction.
Steve *******
It can take at least 6 months after your child is born to obtain custody rights because you need to go through the Courts. Your best bet is using a 'border run' agency.
Joe ********
@Steve ******
Thank you for the correction. Is the last part just a fancy way of saying to make a few border runs? Or are there actually agencies that help out with this sort of thing that would be a benefit?
Graham ******
@Joe *******
A border run agent would not take you to the border if they could not get you back into Thailand with a new entry stamp. Many are denied entry at borders who have a history of staying in Thailand for periods without a proper Visa.
Joe ********
@Graham *****
I see. Do you recommend any? Thanks again.
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