What is the best way to extend a 60-day visa in Thailand?

September 18, 2024
5 days ago
Benjamin ********
Good morning 🙏🏼☀️ , what’s the best way to renew the 60day visa here in Thailand.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The best way to extend a 60-day visa in Thailand is to go to your local immigration office and apply for a 30-day extension, as renewing is not an option. The specific location may depend on whether you received a visa-in-advance or just a visa exemption stamp upon arrival. In Bangkok, you can visit the main government complex at Chaengwattana for visa-in-advance holders or IT Square, Laksi Plaza for those who received the exemption stamp. It's advised to call ahead for an appointment to ensure a smoother process.
Steven *******
Henrik *****
Only 2 options, go to a Immigration office and extend (not renew) 30 days, or leave Thailand and come back.

After 30 days extension, be prepared to leave Thailand, at least 10 minutes.
Antony **********
@Henrik ****
love the at least ten minutes 🤣
Tracy *********
We just extended today. Very easy process.
Brenda *********
@Tracy ********
so do you make your flight for the 60 days or the 90 days ?
Tracy *********
@Brenda ********
We did 60 on arrival in July. No forward ticket as were not sure if we would do the full 60 days. Went to immigration in jomtien yesterday. Extended for another 30 day's, Very easy. If we come back next year. Probably going to do the 15 month retirement visa. That will give us long enough i think & decide if we want to stay longer. Also won't have to do any border runs or extensions. We were told yesterday at Immigration they are starting to crack down on those who are trying to live here by border hopping. Now i have no idea if this is True. That is what we were told yesterday. Border runs every two months to get an extra 30 days is not Cheap with an Agent 3500 Baht PP and up. That seems to be the going rate in Pattaya & Jomtien. Or you could drive & do it yourself. But can only do two land border hops a year. Other option fly out for a few days and fly back. I just dont want to deal with that every 60 days and worry if they reject Entry after a few border hops.
Kim *********
@Tracy ********
2 land crossings a year is not in effect
Brian ***********
Make sure you ring before to make a appointment
Graham ******
@Brian **********
walk in are allowed everywhere
Brian ***********
@Graham *****
not everywhere we have to book
Graham ******
@Brian **********
where is an appointment mandatory?
Brian ***********
@Graham *****
not going to argue I know what we have to do where I am I've done it for the last two years
Graham ******
@Brian **********
I'm looking for information, not an arguement. Which Immigration Office requires an appointment for an extension?
Brian ***********
@Graham *****
Phang nga
Juliet *******
30 days at immigration office x
Johnny ********
Want to know?
Terry ********
You can’t renew the visa but you can get an extension.
Stuart *********
Go to your local immigration office and apply.

In Bangkok it depends on whether you actually have bought a visa prior to entering Thailand or whether you just got the 60 day visa exempt stamp on your arrival.

If the former you go to the main government complex at Chaengwattana. If the latter you go to IT Square, Laksi Plaza.
Benjamin ********
@Stuart ********
thanks Stuart for your help 🙏🏼👍🏻I had brought the visa before entry.
Stuart *********
@Benjamin *******
Ok. You’d want to go to counter J at Chaengwattana.
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