What happens to 90-day reporting for a Non B visa holder who is currently outside Thailand for an extended period?

April 26, 2024
5 months ago
Garth ********
Question for the brains trust regarding 90 day reporting when not in the country - on behalf of someone who isnt a member of the group.

Visa status: Non B (work permit attached)

Re-entry permit: Yes

First 90 day report: No

The 90 day report deadline is coming up, but the Visa holder is held up outside Thailand (currently been away for approx. 2 months) due to unforseen personal reasons. My understanding is that there is a late reporting fee/fine to be paid if the person doesnt return by the reporting deadline, but further to that, if they end up being delayed by a futher month or so, what would be the impact on their visa, if any?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
For a Non B visa holder who is currently outside Thailand, the 90-day reporting requirement stops upon leaving the country. The reporting obligation resumes when they re-enter Thailand, counting from day one after their return. If the visa holder is delayed and cannot return before the reporting deadline, there is no obligation for 90-day reporting while they are outside Thailand. However, they must ensure they re-enter before their visa expires to maintain its validity.
Garth ********
Thanks for the replies everyone. This group is one of the best Im a member of, in terms of people giving their time to help others. Its greatly appreciated.
László *****************
You departed from Thailand, no obligation of 90 days (address of living) report, because you are not living in Thailand.

When you a came back, make a TM30 address report, and after when 90 days passed, make the 90 days notification report,
Andreas *********
the 90-days countdown stop when you exit Thailand, and the 90-days clock begins to run again on day number one when you re-enter Thailand. you are allowed to remove the 90-days clipped receipt from your passport (normally Immigration on exiting Thailand would remove it)
Jeffrey ************
You're reporting 90 days continual stay in Thailand.
Stuart *********
They must enter before the visa expires or it’s back to square one applying for a new Non B.
Garth ********
@Stuart ********
Thanks Stuart, and assuming they re-enter prior to the visa expiry, there are no other foreseeable issues?
Stuart *********
Stuart *********
It will start again next time they enter as day 1.
Stuart *********
The requirement to report 90 days ceases the moment you leave Thailand.
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