How does leaving Thailand affect the 90-day reporting requirement on a non-O retirement visa?

November 19, 2022
2 years ago
Piero ************
I am scheduled to do my next 90 day reporting on December 18th (non-O retirement Visa).

I now have a family emergency and need to go back to Canada on November 25 and will return to Thailand on January 11th.

Do I understand correctly that the "90 day counter" will stop when I leave on November 25th and will resume only when I will return to Thailand on January 11th.

Can I verify the new reporting date somewhere, or can I just estimate it to be "January 11th" + 3 weeks?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The 90-day reporting period on a non-O retirement visa resets when you leave Thailand. Once you return, your 90 days start anew from the day of your return, January 11th in this case. You should plan to report 90 days after your return, not the original December 18 reporting date. It's also crucial to obtain a re-entry permit before leaving Thailand to maintain your visa status.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
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Twiggy ******
When you enter Thailand on Jan 11th and send your new 90-day notification about 75 days later, I believe you will receive an email saying your report is rejected and you need to go to your Immigration Office in person. It happened to me. The system doesn’t know your new circle has started. It only knows that you miss your report on Dec 18th.
Teresa ***********
Terry *********
Make sure you have a re-entry stamp befor you go.

Or you will have to start all over again.
Sid *******
When you get back just make sure you do a TM30 address update even if returning to same address. That will automatically reset your 90 day report. If any questions at the time of report just show re entry stamp, but they should have that all that in their computer.
Ruth *******
I'm so glad you asked this question. My biggest concern about getting a retirement visa was that I travel frequently and I was wondering what one does about the 90 day report. I know; I know. It seems stupid and that's why I was afraid to ask the question. Lol. I hope you don't mind my tacking onto your question and asking folks if having many exits and maybe not going for reports for an extended period of time if one travels outside the country frequently will raise any concerns when one either does finally go to report or when one goes for a visa extension?
Winston ********
@Ruth ******
Ruth *******
@Winston *******
thank you! Much appreciated.
Winston ********
@Ruth ******
to the best of my knowledge no problems coz that is why they have the multiple entry so you can fly in and out with peace of mind. 90 days reporting is only done when you have actually lived in Thailand for 90 CONTINUOUS days. If you fly out of day 89 you don't report and the 90 days cycle only begins from the day you return to Thailand. Put your fears to rest.
Winston ********
I have read all the comments here. This is my personal experience. I applied for my Non O in Nov 2019 and got my retiree visa in Feb 2020. I had also taken multiple re-entry. Unfortunately, Covid struck so i could leave to go anywhere. But in Feb 2021 I renewed and still took multiple entry. Again, i could not travel out of Thailand. Come Feb 2022, I renewed and again too multiple entry and i flew out in July and again in August (made a trip to Canada). On my return to Canada I went to the immigration office just to double check. The man at the counter told me i had overstayed (even though I told him i had just returned 2 days back) but he insisted i had overstayed and the fine was 2000 baht but he would charge me only 1000 baht. I had to run out and away to find an atm and return with 1000 baht. To my good fortune the man was busy and a lady asked me to give her my passport. I handed it over with the 1000 baht and explained to her what had happened with the other man. She said something to him in Thai. Then she looked my my passport and told me that i don't pay any fine because i left before the 90 days was over and so my 90 days only begins from the day I returned. I told her why that man asked me for 1000 baht. She said he it's ok and just forget it and return before the 90 days is over. I would like to add two things. Please don't consider 90 days as 3 months. 90 days means 90 days. However, they do give you a grace period of 7 days after the 90 days. But i have never waited for that bonus (because in Thailand you never know when the law can change at the drop of a hat). Secondly, It is only 4000 baht for a multiple entry visa so in my case i prefer not to scrounge and do per entry for the simple reason that i may have an emergency and have to leave immediately and may not have time go to go to the immigration to apply for a re-entry. I will mean that my retiree visa will get cancelled and i will only get a normal 30 days entry as regular service (presently it's 45 days but only till March 2023). I have made only 2 trips out of Thailand. But should i make a short trip to nearby ASEAN countries it would be useful even if i made more than 4 trips in a year. There is no need for me to report when i return nor take the TM30 form. When I first came to this Province and did my first 90 reporting, I was given a paper with my residence details and some other details and they stapled it in my passport and told me when i go for my 90 days reporting i just show them that paper. Now almost 2 years in this Province and not a problem at all and i finish in under 10 minutes after paying the fee of 60 baht. for the previous years reporting my agent was charging me 500 baht to do my reporting. I hope this is helpful though it's long reading. You can understand why I did not name my Province. I don't want to cast aspirations on that employee who tried to take 1000 baht from me.
Henrik ****
Remember to get a reentry permit before you leave.
Phil ******
@Piero ***********
it will reset
Teresa ***********
You need to get a reentry in phuket immigration office so that your non o visa will be valid when you return. Your 90 days will start when you come back

Single Reentry is 1k, multiple reentry is 3k plus
David *********
You need reentry for the Kingdom in general 1k for one yes , 4.3k for multiple , no difference where you report , it's an exit visa ..I always buy one on renewal .
Shane ************
Yes reset. No need to report
Singh *****
90 days report means, you complete 90 days continually in Thailand without leaving the period of 90 days. When you leave before completing it, no need to do anything. When you come back it starts again from the first day to 90 days circle.
Benoît *********
Not forget to go to immigration , with TM30 , maximum 24 hours after you come back Thailand.

Same if you own your condo/house of stay at same place. 🤗
Benoît *********
@Piero ***********
no idea , not long time on retirement visa, and was first time I change address and I get fine because not go directly when come back to Thailand.

Never try to do it online
Piero ************
@Benoît ********
: I am awate that I have to do the TM30. I usually do it using the online app. In this case, I don't have to go to immigration,correct?
Bob **********
Yes it will re set
David *********
When I do like this , I just report immediately when I fly back in , go on Jan 11 th ( or 12 th ) and your 90 days starts again from there , far far easier than trying to work out otherwise .
Tom *******
@George ************
for some, yes; for others, not so easy.
George *************
@David ********
If near the drive-through at Phuket Town Immigration, I do the same thing. They always seem to put the most personable people on the drive-through. Takes about 5 minutes, all in.
David *********
@George ************
, it is but I don't even bother online in HH it's in the shopping centre there all the time and very happy to do in person ..

But yeah , if you lived further out much easier on line .
George *************
@David ********
Agree, very easy to do online now.
David *********
@George ************
and that's exactly why I'd report on the 11 th , then I know I'm due in another 90 days , simple and don't have to worry about any of the other stuff .

That being said reporting is very easy for me , so it's hardly an issue , takes 5 mins .
George *************
@David ********
if that works for you great, but a whole lot easier to know that the clock starts when you enter Thailand and the 90-day report date is 3 months after that. So arrive November 20, and your 90-day report is due 3 months later, February 20. It is really that simple. Put a notice on your electronic calendar for 14 days before your due date.
Brandon ************
Why would it be January 11th plus 3 weeks?

90 day report is for spending 90 days in a row in Thailand. As soon as you leave it's all over with, and when you return it starts back at day 1 since it's only consecutive days.

So it would be January 11th plus 90 days.

There is nowhere to verify when you would be due to report, you're responsible for knowing when.

You'll also need to purchase a re-entry permit before you leave to ensure your extension doesn't lapse when you stamp out of Thailand.
Brandon ************
@Piero ***********
you may get an email reminder saying your 90 day report is due if you did your last one online but you can ignore it since the system doesn't know if you leave Thailand or not and is just programmed to send out an email 90 days after the last report.
Piero ************
@Brandon ***********
: Thank you so much for confirming. I'll set a calendar reminder to make sure I don't lose track of the date. I'll play it safe and will do it 14 days ahead (via the online site).
Brandon ************
@Piero ***********
they will not give you a new slip of paper. You only get that when you do a 90 day report. It's up to you to track, and you can do your 90 days report up to 14 days before and 7 days after the due date.
Piero ************
@Brandon ***********
: When I will be stamped back into Thailand, I know that the entry date is written. Is there any mention of the next reporting date, or do I understand correctly that it will be up to me to track this? I ask this, because when I did my last reporting they gave new a paper which mentioned the next renewal date (and stapled it into my passport).
Piero ************
@Brandon ***********
: Thank you for clarifying this for me. I was not aware that the 90 day reporting was only for consecutive days spent in Thailand. I was aware about the re-entry permit requirement, and I already have a multiple-entry permit.
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