Why the big jump in electric cost. Mine has triple this month.
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Many residents in Thailand have reported a significant increase in their electricity bills this month, leading to concerns and discussions regarding the reasons behind this hike. Key factors mentioned include the hotter weather leading to increased use of air conditioning, government-imposed price increases in early March, and inflation impacting overall costs. Some commenters noted specific percentage increases in their bills and suggested checking meter readings for accuracy. There's also speculation about future rate changes, with some claiming the cost may decrease in May due to seasonal adjustments.
They didn't print anything on mine they said the cost would be added to next months bill as they just fitted a new digital meter and the data on the analogue meter could not be transferred.
They sent us a blank bill too, and I went into the office to hear the bad news, rather than wait until next bill.
Reply to
Arnie ************
Chris *********
Mine doubled but due to aircons working harder in the hot season
จอนห์ *******
Check the meter has been read correctly. Its a general mistake done by the meter readers, or there may be a ground short supping away.
Umami *********
can't verify my bill at the moment, but the Ft surcharge matters from January to April 2023 as follows; 1) Ft surcharge for residential customers is 0.9343 baht/kWh and 4.72 Baht per unit, non-double-checked lines - (Exclude VAT)
Jyrki *********
Electric Bill. Unit consumpted x Price of unit. Very simple.
People KNOW THIS. Stop wasting time acting smarter and actually think. People know their routines and when an electric bill is noticeably higher yet their routine was the same as always, then SOMETHING IS WRONG. Not always so simple. This is how learning occurs. We observe, notice, question, seek, then learn. Thinking everything is so black and white is exactly why the world is nuts now.
No way. I would NEVER suspect the city or government to take advantage of people. Now sir! 😉 Also, could be an issue with AC unit or someone leeching off their power suddenly. It's wise to question these things when it's abnormal.
Reply to
Mark ********
Janne **********
Steve ********
Regardless of the rate, it’s still affordable. $60 - $70 US a month is way better than the $300 I paid at my home in the US. Closer to $500 in the hottest months. If I’m hot, I turn my aircon, if I’m not, I don’t. Simple as that.
Jae **********
In April and may your bill will be the highest because is the summertime I advise only using ac towards night time and daytime just go to a cafe but if you got kids and all probably best to find an affordable spot where you can use the ac all the time
René *******
The best way to find out 1 possible error is ~> check out your meter. Maybe they did it wrong (4400 instead of 4004 or similar..)
Joseph ********
Curious, how much for one month of electricity say in march? For medium sized condo? Joe from USA
depends on how much you use the aircon, and how big the condo, as march can be a little hotter, also how much that charge you per kw, not all charge the government rate.
I am aware of that..People are asking why their electricity bills are more expensive these last couple of months in Thailand...and I am pointing out it is not only in Thailand they have increased...it is all over the world that the price of energy has increased.
Ian **********
Bob Curtis All over the world, wow!!! You must be an authority on the world's electric prices
Bob Curtis We are talking about here in Thailand!!
Reply to
Ian **********
Juffair *******
Why do most on this post assume everyone has a/c 🤔 look at the locals theirs have doubled 🤔
Stefan ************
Price up around 20% compared to last month plus extra hot weather.
David ****
Mark ********
Yea, it's crazy in Bangkok. I have been turning the AC off every time it gets cool enough to endure a few hours without it. Many things are cheap here to a westerner but not electricity!
This time of year is Thailands hot season so you need the air con alot. If you come in the cool season, say December for holiday you'll find it cheaper
mine went up over 3,000 baht higher than it's ever been even during the same month. Go to the Bangkok post today and great article about electricity rates and how it is done it is absolutely ridiculous what they do
it's going down next month to 4.77 baht per kw/hr.
Reply to
Tony *********
Christopher ******
My condo notified everyone in the building that electricity will be 7 baht a unit now because electricity prices went up. Just got the notification yesterday. True or not, seems could be the case.
hmm, well up until now it was 5 per unit, maybe Phuket is increasing and not all of Thailand?
Reply to
Christopher ******
Srini ******
Have you checked your meter reading from the previous month up now? Have you checked the price per unit to see if there's been a change? If the number of units is higher and your meter is working properly then you just used more.
Michael ***********
Now take my meter reading. I dare you 555
Bob **********
So nobody knows WHY???
Don *********
The biggest use is aircon: instead of cranking it to 21-22 degrees, try 27 degrees (eco mode if your unit supports that) and turn on a cheap fan
Mine too! Usually it's 1500-2000 but last month jumped to 4200 and yesterday the bill came in for 5500. I've been in my condo for 8 years and maximum ever was 2200.
Jeffrey **********
My electric bill was 539 baht this month I don’t have a big house and no air con yet my mother in uk is paying over £200 a month just to keep warm anyone no about any solar schemes where you get paid to put energy back into the grid ? Thailand 🇹🇭
Malcolm *********
It's because of the electric plugs you use. If you have a two pin plug on your appliances you will obviously use more electricity per pin than a three pin plug. So expect your bill to be higher - simple as.
few years ago I lived in 5 floor mansion Hat Yai Songkhla (in the south) Elect bill jumped from around 1100 Bht average to 2700 Bht and following month. I saw the main office .. told them I used to work as operator in a powerstation & understand the electricity game. Showed full page colour print of me in powerstation (true speak) next monthly bill? back to it’s normal level. Khop khun krap.
Reply to
Merv ***********
Michael ***********
yes mine from 3k to 4k
Hovvard ******
John-Paul ******
My average bill is 1200bht. Febuary that amount was reduced to 980. In March it went back to 1200. Then this month it jumped to 2500. I use 1 air con at night and set that to 25 degrees. So always the same usage. Also, they say that these present rates will stay until end of August. Someone's pockets are filling up. For the reality and/logic escape me and everyone else. 5555
Giorgio *********
I used to pay about 1000 baht a month, this time 2700 baht 😮
Mine was so high that they didn't print any usage or price on my monthly bill. I had to go into the office to find out it had tripled. I think they thought if they printed the amount due that I would leave town. They were right! 🤣
hahaha when I moved to a new place last year my first bill was over 10k and they called me before issuing a bill because they thought there was a faulty meter or something
If there's no amount on the bill, then it's not payable (legally speaking) therefore you should of completely ignored it. If they wanna play games, you can play too.
I could have ignored it, but it wouldn't change the end result. They would have eventually sent me a bill, in the same amount.
Reply to
Arnie ************
Rollo ************************
Be sure the meter reading is accurately reflected. Been some posts from Thai locals where there bills were normally 600 and suddenly jumped into the thousands from wrong meter readouts. I’m sure energy prices being sky high has much to do about all too—
Not relevant. Most of the power supply in Thailand is generated by hydropower dams. Putin and Russian exported energy (gas) have nothing to do with power prices in the kingdom.
it must be nice to live in your own oblivious world. However, factual data shows 85% of Thailand's electricity are generated by gas and coal, the very commodities that have risen massively in recent months.
You got me, but Thailand never put sanctions on Russia. So why on earth would their buy prices be effected? You'll have to explain that side of the argument before a victory is declared.
because Thailand is importing these goods. Virtually no domestic production of gas&coal. That's why elevated world market price increases hit Thailand also. Also the government used to subsidize the electricity rates for a long time. But they ran out of spending money recently, that's why a combination of full-rates plus inflated production cost led to the strong jump in just 1 month.
That's not the full picture. It's also not accurate in some aspects. The only reason international prices were affected was because Russia was no longer participating in sanctioned markets. THOSE markets were effected (US, AUSTRALIA ETC) but the cheap Russian energy is still available to Thailand which has no sanctions and has remained neutral. Prices shouldn't be effected this much. I'd say the increases are largely artificial. Just as Saudi Aramco doubled profits during the "fuel supply shortage". It's mostly artificial manipulation.
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Edgar ************
Paul *******
Blame corruption governments all over the world
David ********
Pay or sweat........I pay
Soeren **********
The more you use the more you have to pay p.k.w..i pay 4200 f 770 kw.
Dude, I get it. You're mad. I'm a semi retired millionaire living your dream in Thailand. So you default to assuming I'm an old person, or broke to shield your fragile ego. You're probably slaving away in corporate america dreading each and everyday dreaming of the life I have. Wageslaves are bitter people. Hope you can break out of the rat race.
ok Dave, we will see about that in the future... btw, if you are in one of the most congested cities of the world, like Bangkok, look at the telephone poles, do you really believe that mess of wires is going to handle the draw.
This is nothing than the transfer of wealth to China and its slave labor market since America won't allow the digging on a mass scale of battery material from the ground such as lithium, nickel, cobalt lithium, manganese, so destroying the earth with diesel powered machines and using slave labor to build these 100,000 battery, batteries will be done in China.
When you look at the real costs of it, not in just the cost of rebuilding the entire grid to prevent blackouts, no its not really worth it. It's a cool concept for a city dweller but not for most of the public.
The US’s transition to electric vehicles could require three times as much lithium as is currently produced for the entire global market, causing needless water shortages, Indigenous land grabs, and ecosystem destruction inside and outside its borders, new research finds.
It warns that unless the US’s dependence on cars in towns and cities falls drastically, the transition to lithium battery-powered electric vehicles by 2050 will deepen global environmental and social inequalities linked to mining – and may even jeopardize the 1.5C global heating target.
But ambitious policies investing in mass transit, walkable towns and cities, and robust battery recycling in the US would slash the amount of extra lithium required in 2050 by more than 90%..
If you believe this article for face value then you really don't understand what's going on globally.
Big changes are coming, walking towns, which we had for 100 years, destroyed buy big box stores carrying products made with slave labor in China. If you go outside of your "walkable city" you will be fined an electric surcharge.
10 Chinese police stations in America
More all over the world.
Chinese cameras mounted at the top of cranes in America's ports.
There is so much more
Destroying the land in beautiful places for mining pits and windmills.
Offshore windmills have been in areas where whales are dying in unnormally large numbers and being blamed on getting hit by ships.
So we're being sold that these intelligent animals that work in groups and have sonar are dumb enough to get hit by tankers..
Not buying it.
Final thought, where is all the electricity coming from. No not windmills, no not dams, no not geothermal, natural gas and oil!
By the way, I'm not against electric cars, I'm against the agenda, the lies and the corruption.
Hope you dont get electrocuted during rainy season driving through a puddle
it's not just about using AC more but also AC units having to work harder so using more power... to their max capacity
Reply to
Duncan **********
กะลาสี *****
UPDATE: I just watched Tim Newton Today (TNT) news out of Phuket on YouTube. He says that the current government electricity rate has be 5.25 Baht per unit since January (which doesn't sound correct to me) and that it's scheduled to drop to 4.77 Baht on May 1st. This contradicts what I posted above and what I read in the news a couple of weeks ago. So, I guess we will find out what the truth is when we get our bills.
having said that, average salary is also way lower than in UK
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Olivier *********
George *********
กะลาสี *****
I read in the news a couple of weeks ago that May 1st the price is supposed to rise again. You should go check your meter against your bill and make sure they didn't make a mistake.