Hi I have got my Non B visa from Indian consulate on 30th April expiring on 29th July till date I havent been to thailand will be reaching on 26th May afternoon at korat take up my medical and sign up my documents for work permit to be applied by my attorney on my behalf and then on 27th June morning go to immigration for re entry permit & fly back by 28th morning flight then I will be there again in 4 June till 11 th June for work permit
1) Will immigration stamp it as I will be there for A day only secondly which permit I should apply as single or multi...
2) As 29 June is A Saturday when should I apply for Non B visa extension after 29 June or before when should come to apply date preferably.
3) I have been told you need to wait for immigration officers inspection and reply their questions at your office then only after that extension is possible whole month in office ????
Can you suggest what to do...Thanks in advance