What are the options for obtaining a Non-B visa for employees in Thailand, especially when seeking multiple entries?

October 10, 2019
5 years ago
Helen ***********
Question re. Non-b Visas for foreign employees

I have a Thai Ltd Co. I am a Director and shareholder. My husband is an employee of the same company and a shareholder. But we’ve just been told he can no longer get a 1 year multiple entry visa.

We have been living in Koh Phangan for years and making Visa runs to Kota Bharu or Penang. But we move to Chiang Mai next month.

Since we will be close to other borders (not Malaysia) in CM, where is the best place to get 3 month visas? Or is there another option to get 1 year somewhere?

Every year a new challenge!


Ian Hamilton
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user inquires about the challenges faced in obtaining a Non-B visa for his husband, an employee and shareholder in his Thai Ltd Company. They previously utilized multiple entry visas but have been informed that this is no longer an option. As they move to Chiang Mai, they seek advice on where to obtain 3-month visas or a potential 1-year visa. Comments suggest contacting local immigration for a 1-year extension based on employment and discuss the requirements for obtaining such visas in Malaysia.
Robert *******
And as the excuse our profit is not enough, the travel cost are to high has nothing to do with Thai visa advice I close the commenting. The way intended by Thai Government is mentioned, first the visa to enter Thailand then the Extension of Stay based on working. Good luck.
Robert *******
The only two places where you can get the 1 year Multiple Entry Non Immigrant B visa in this region are : Penang in Malaysia, but you must have a work permit valid for more than 8 months and named as Managing Director on the company documents and inside the Work Permit. OR in Kota Bharu also Malaysia where you must be a Director in the Work Permit and company documents. All other places only hand out the Single Entry Non Immigrant B visa if you show the application form from the Ministry of Labor for a work permit or if you apply for back to back visa's you need to bring your Work Permit.
Robert *******
If you show your work permit and all the other company documents needed, yes
Ian **********
So Penang would still do me a 90 day visa if I can't get the directorship
Kaila ***********
What! Even 1 person per company can't get multiple entry anymore??
Kaila ***********
Ohhhh yes, they introduced that last year. Kota Bharu will do it, that's right. You'll be able to find somewhere else too, I'm sure. Good luck!!! xx
Helen ***********
@Kaila **********
to be clear. I am able to get the 1 year because I am the Director. Ian is an employee and shareholder. As I understand it, he cannot get the 1 year multiple anymore unless we have 4 Thai / Burmese staff... staff I don’t need and therefore would kill all profit and purpose of the business.

I have also heard he may be able to get a 1 year multiple in Kota Bharu but since we’ll be in Chiang Mai come renewal time, I’m looking for options that don’t require super long journeys and travel costs...

Disclaimer: I don’t know if the Kota Bharu option is true. This was 3rd hand information so best to double check before you book anything to get it done there.
Robert *******
How did you manage to open up a sole proprietorship in Thailand as foreigner?
Ben ********
Tod *********
@Ben *******
and you posted the word Laos for what apparent reason? BOTH consulate there only issue 90 day single entry Non-B's NOT year-long, multi-entry like they are looking for,

By all means be a member of the group BUT if you can't contribute to the thread don't post.
Helen ***********
@Sergio ******
thank you! But cheap and quick to get there from CM at least! Flight to Udon Thani 2,700, cheap bus, 2000b application fee.

It doesn’t feel so much hassle or massively expensive. It’s not a terrible option
Sergio *******
@Helen **********
in Laos only 3 months single entry
Helen ***********
@Ben *******
thank you Ben. Do you know if they give 1 year multiple or 3 month only? I’ll have a look on the embassy site in the meantime.
Robert *******
You may try to consider to follow up the rules and get the 1 year Extension of Stay based on working from your local Immigration office.
Helen ***********
@Robert ******
will do! The main thing might be not having as many Thais as they’d like us to have. Truth is out business doesn’t need so many staff. But we’ll report back on how it goes!
Robert *******
keep us updated
Helen ***********
@Robert ******
we know everything is paid thankfully since it’s our business. Thanks again for this tip. Makes sense to just go and get the right info directly. 😊
Ian **********
@Robert ******
I got social security certificates the other day, I think are ducks are in a row, knowing this is the hard bit
Robert *******
@Ian *********
It is that easy, if the company has his ducks in the row. But knowing that most companies do not like to pay tax, sso and salaries it becomes more complicated.
Ian **********
@Robert ******
that almost sounds too easy. I will go over next week to do a pre check that this is an option.
Helen ***********
@Robert ******
thank you so much. This is a very sensible idea!
Robert *******
Visit the Immigration Office in your area, bring your passport and work permit and just ask I wish to stay one more year inside Thailand what are the requirements. And the will give you a list, normally in Thai and English, you go back to the office, make copy tick box 1, make copy tick box 2 etc and when done bring al back to Immigration to apply.
Helen ***********
@Robert ******
thank you. I don’t know what that means but will try to research it.
Michael ***************
on a non b Visa he is not allowed to work I would think - do your company fulfill the requirements (4 Thai worker for 1 foreign wp) ?
Helen ***********
@Michael **************
we don’t currently have 4 Thai staff per foreign WP.
Ellie *******
Non-B visa is meant be for working / conducting business in Thailand... why not allowed to work otherwise it's for conducting business type?
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