What are the current visa extension rules in Thailand amid COVID-19 and how can I apply for it?

July 22, 2020
4 years ago
María **********
Hello everyone! I’m currently in Bangkok. As per my understanding, due to COVID, there has been an extension until July 30th. Is that correct?

In my case, I come from a country that fortunately does NOT require a visa to enter Thailand but still I need to extend my stay after 07/30. Now, I’m trying to do it online but somehow I can’t get past the 1st step. I completed all mandatory fields and tried with different browsers. Any idea on what could be wrong?

If anyone has already done this in person @ Muang Thong Thani and can share some tips, I would really appreciate it. Thanks a lot! 🙂
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Due to COVID-19, the Thai government has extended the visa amnesty period until September 26th. As a person from a country that doesn't require a visa to enter Thailand, you don't need to submit a 90-day report or go through online extension procedures. Instead, the amnesty allows you to stay in Thailand without any immediate paperwork until the extension ends. It’s advised to start planning for an exit strategy as the deadline approaches, and it's important to communicate with your accommodation for TM30 reporting, which is their responsibility.
Stephen ******
In Hat Yai now you need to makean advance appointment to get anything more complicated than a 90-day extension or reentry permit...mine took a five day wait, but I am relieved that it is now complete and I'm good for another year...just wondering if other immigration offices are doing this as well...
Stephen ******
@Jennifer ***
call the office. It's a land line. Mind you, that post is quite old and the policy may have changed since then. Good luck.
Jennifer ****
@Stephen *****
thanks. Thought maybe there was an online form like in BKK
Stephen ******
@Jennifer ***
I've heard it's possible, but I've never tried it myself.
Jennifer ****
@Stephen *****
hey. How do you make an advance appointment for Hat Yai immigration?
Sad ********
now Immigration have extended amnesty until 26 September
Terary **********
@María *********
I *think* the bottom line is that you have time to work it out. If you are here legally you will have time to find a visa solution.
Ben ****
@María *********
You should join the group Varados en Tailandia. Looks like you are a varado.
María **********
@Ben ********
thanks Ben!
Joe ***********
Wow! This entire issue has been on practically every FB Group and Thailand based Website... How did you possibly miss it?
María **********
@Joe **********
as I said, I didn’t miss the issue but most of the people posting are under visa which does not apply to me.
Niko ******
@María *********
this person replying has a habit of being snarky, no need to reply to the serval people who constantly poke at people
Joe ***********
@Niko *****
- You confuse "snarky" with vigorously defending myself against unwarranted personal attacks on me.
Joe ***********
MARIA - Most of people here are not necessarily on some type of visa... During the first "Amnesty" Visas or their "permission to stay expired for the majority of people under the Amnesty.
María **********
Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to reply! I’m new in the group and you made it all so easy.
Mike ********
Ok, first, some terminology. One, you are showing the system for 90-day reporting. This is NOT the same as 'extending your stay'. No, I'm not being snarky. It's important to understand b/c, using simple deduction, I can tell you that you are in Thailand with permissions derived from an agreement b/w Thailand and your home country to allow you to legally enter and dwell in Thailand for a pre-determined period of time.

As you are exempt from the burden of having a visa, you do NOT need to do the 90-day reporting as shown in the picture above. The reason it keeps failing is that your passport number and/or name is coming back empty from the database of eligible people to do 90-day reporting.

The amnesty allows you to remain in Thailand worry-free, with no reporting. All they ask is that you work on an exit strategy when September 26th rolls around. If like it has done twice in the past, no strategy is available, an extension or other administrative action from the Thai government will transpire.
Mike *******
@Mike *******
brilliant way to answer someone's concerns without being smarmy and arrogant. There is a lot of people who could learn from your people skills and mannerisms, who ever bumps into you at immigration must be grateful

Thank you people like yourself is much appreciated
Mike ********
@Mike ******
I can't afford to be arrogant. I appreciate your taking the time to remark on my manner. It helps tremendously. Thanks.
María **********
@Mike *******
I can’t thank you enough! I definitely prefer having someone explain it to me like that. I’ve been reading a lot about these extensions in other groups and I thought I fell into the same category just because I am a foreigner as well. So I thought it would be pertinent to mention I don’t need a visa. This is definitely great news. Thanks for your valuable time and feedback 🙂
Mike ********
@María *********
Yes ma'am! I explain stuff all day long at immigration so that we only have to do it once. One thing I failed to mention though is that you still need to ask your hotel/housemaster to report you for TM-30 status. It's their job, not yours, to tell the government where you live.
Todd *********
Great summary! Where are u located? That’s the immigration office I need 😂
Mike ********
@Todd ********
Ever-so-friendly Chiang Mai!
María **********
@Mike *******
thanks for the heads up on the TM-30 as well! I had no idea. I’ll contact my housemaster. 🤝
Steve *********
Perfect answer
James *******
Terary **********
And people wonder why foreigners aren't always welcomed.
Florian ********
@Terary *********
wow you must be fun at parties
Terary **********
I think that it's not yet official. Things can change. Not trying to be dick but...
James **************
@Terary *********
it is official, it just needs printing in the royal gazzette.
Gewarin ************
@James *************
If my king doesn’t want to sign for approval, you can’t do anything about it too. Lol
James **************
@Gewarin ***********
your king doesnt sign it, your primeminister does.🤦‍♂️
Gewarin ************
@James *************
Just hope he’s in a good mood by then.
Gewarin ************
@James *************
It’s not up to him already. 😆 He can sign but the main approval is the king. 🤭
James **************
@Gewarin ***********
i think you need to go and study politics and the way your government works. You completet idiot.
James *******
James Charlesworth There's no need to be rude to her.
Christina *********
@James *************
that means it’s not official, but it’s close 🙂
Terary **********
Amnesty is expected to be extended until 26th September. You are probably best to wait a day or two
Garrett ***********
That is for people on 1 year Non immigrant visas or yearly extensions of stay that are required to submit 90 day reports. You're not eligible to submit that.
María **********
@Garrett **********
oh! I get it now! Thanks a lot for clarifying!
Terary **********
Good catch.
José *************
Don't need to do a thing. You're allowed to stay until the 26th of September. Visa amnesty extension
José *************
And the NYT
Terary **********
Not on any reputable news sources..
José *************
@Terary *********
nah, just Reuters 😂😂
Terary **********
Same thing happened with the liquor band. Then it changes at the last minute
José *************
@Terary *********
enlighten me, what changed with the liquor ban exactly? No irony, I actually don't recall
Terary **********
@José ************
The governments was in the process of lifting bans and reducing curfew. In similar circumstances now, everybody thought the liquor ban was to remain in place. It was the recommendation of one committee, approved by another group of people, everybody thought it was a done deal. But when it got printed in the gazette, the liquor ban was lifted.

The point is thing can change before getting printed in the gazette. Probably, they usually don't but they can
Thomas ********************
@José ************
Some government dude said the alc ban would be extended for x weeks (don't remember exactly.) Then, 2-3 days later it was lifted. Emotional times they were 😅
José *************
Terary **********
Expected - not quite yet official
Carl ********
@Terary *********
yes it is confirmed already 😂😂😂. You dont read news
José *************
@Terary *********
we are only missing it on the gazette but there is no doubt it is going to happen. Local immigration also confirmed it to my agent today.
James **************
@Terary *********
its already been agreed, it only needs to be printed. So its not going to change.
James **************
The amnesty has been extended until september 26th.

You cant extend a visa online anyway.
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