Is the financial crisis of Thai Airways due to COVID-19 or long-standing issues?

May 19, 2020
4 years ago
Rana ************
is this true ??
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion centers around the financial struggles of Thai Airways, with opinions divided on whether their current crisis is primarily a result of the COVID-19 pandemic or if it stems from long-standing mismanagement and financial issues. Comments reflect frustrations over unpaid refunds and skepticism about the airline's future, with some suggesting that restructuring is necessary. Some participants argue that the airline has been financially unstable for years, while others express hope for recovery and improvement in management.
Terary **********
From what I understand - their financial problems are unrelated to COVID. I know they charge 2 or 3 times as much as other carriers. Maybe the issue is that there just are as many stupid wealthy people anymore and I don't think that is Covid related.
Lisa ********************
Yes. And Thai government have done a deal to sell off part of it. A weird form of bailout.
Andrew *********
@Lisa *******************
By doing that makes it not a state enterprise anymore. The government us slowly washing its hands of it, letting the other share holders take more responsibility.
Kuan ******
Yes it is - smart THAI way to make people redundant without confronting them 🤣🤣
Phill ******
there going into bankruptcy.
James ******
Not true, Government made announcement 2days ago. Close apparently, but they survived 555
Pete *****
Isn’t it owned by the King ?
John *******
@Scuba ********
I dont think so. 51% is owned by the Thai Ministry of Transport.
Bo ***************
Not surprised
Katja ********
I have waited almost 2 months now for my refund.
Chris ********
60%of airlines are looking for Handouts/bailout money, its the way of big corporate businesses in times Of Need,They always need More🤷‍♂️ go figure......
Nick ****************
We all know the problem with Thai Airways it's just nobody in Thailand can talk about it openly.
Billy *******
@Nick ***************
nepotism? Pay to play?
Andrew *********
It need complete restructuring, someone probably an experienced foreigner who will be impartial and apolitical but the Thais won't stand for that. It can be turned around but major surgery is required and a free hand given to whoever they bring in.
John *******
@Andrew ********
problem is 51% has to be owned by Thais.
Charmaine *********
Hope not, as we fly to Australia on 27th embassy flight.
Kuan ******
THAI airways have been mismanaged for years with stories of vested interests n nepotism. I do like the service but if you are the shareholders it really sucks .. just my opinion.
Ian ***********
Also writing off the last of Thai creditably. 555. Thai international will be a C.O.D. Carrier.
John *******
It is one way of writing off all their debts and starting again. But not good if your in credit with them on a cancelled flight. I did wonder if ALL the airlines would try think way out of not paying.
Billy *******
@John ******
Yes get rid off all the frequent flyer miles and pensions.
Roy ***********
A good way to get rid of all debts and have the Corona virus to take the blame for it all. Nobody loses face, it is Corona.
Nathan ***************
@Roy **********
happening with a few companies

The payout is gonna be a good claim due to loss of earnings on an already flogged dead horse
Tod *********
Ohh, now they're blaming the covid crisis for this airlines train wreck as far as being a profitable business?
Wilmont ******
@Tod ********
This airline has been a train wreck for years, surprised it hasn’t folded up its tent years ago.
Billy *******
Will the airlines recover? Or will the powers that be make it so difficult and expensive to travel, certificates of health and WAxSin8tions, social distancing regulations, full body x ray scanning, that people just say screw it? Airline stocks haven't recovered much, neither have legacy auto manufacturers. But electric car companyTesla is going gangbusters. I think oil prices are going to skyrocket making those polluting jets, a real thorn in the side of those global warming perpe-traitors, so expensive for the average Joe that he's priced by design right out of the market. I think they don't want people traveling. It's a BraveNewWorld?
Rohan ***
Thai airways won't go down. They are an intelligent team. This is an unfathomable ploy to change course of management. They are one of the best airlines I have ever flown. I pray that they fly over this dark cloud in a jiffy. That they soar in to the high skies and deliver their top notch customer service. 🙏😇
William *******
@Rohan ************
lay off the weed
Wilmont ******
@Rohan ************
only way they’re going to recover is be owned by a privately owned company. As long as they’re owned by the government and run by those mindless military generals they’ll never be profitable.
Craig ******
Temporary blip... they will be back
Goudoune ************
Samuel ********
What a shame. Thai Airways, Singapore Airlines, Korean Air and Aseana Airlines are some of the best experiences I've had travelling. Hope they survive.
Don ********
Been in the mire for years..
Jeffrey ************
They still owe me £650.... 🤬🤬🤬
Dieter *******
Yeah well that’ll work out for them ....They owe me and hundreds of others
Baht for cancelled flights refunds booked and paid for....Very dishonest company...
Harolletta **********
There goes my refund
Billy *******
Ah yes. Print slave money, loan slave money, let the slaves slave, collapse the economy, foreclose on the slaves, rinse and repeat. Genius!
Darren *******
Yes, but it's so they can restructure as opposed to traditional bankruptcy.
Mark ********
@Darren ******
So it's a face saving version of bankruptcy. It's as bust as bust gets but they cannot kill it off.
Jonathan *******
Wouldn't surprise me, they've been posting massive losses for years (which is rather suspect). They asked for yet another bailout this year.
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