What should expats do amidst chaos in Thailand's travel restrictions?

April 7, 2020
4 years ago
Roger ********
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion revolves around the chaotic situation faced by expats in Thailand due to travel restrictions amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Many users express frustrations about fines at the airport for canceled flights, fears over potential exposure to the virus, and the perceived lack of concern from the Thai government for foreign nationals. There are calls for diplomatic solutions and communication with embassies, alongside a debate about the safety and legality of overstaying visas during this period.
Christophe **********
Too dangerous to leave, too dangerous to go to immigration
José *************
Expecting humanity towards foreigners here? Guess youbhavent been here that long then.

They don't care about us in the slightest. They don't for a long time, this just brought it all back up. The right thing to do is sometimes impossible around here
Liv ****
Man, Michael really thinks is fair to break the gorvernement's own advice to practice social distancing because "people are tourists and not Thai" lol
Michael ***************
@José ************
i am a Farang in Thailand. I always get treated very well. If you want respect you have to give respect.

I see no respect in your comment.
Anders *********
So so madness i hope to go there next week but when i see this i dont know if its better to take the overstay and maybee save your life and dont expose yourself to corona.
Paul **********
@Anders ********
exactly right bro, safety first. I would rather pay 500 per day but I don’t want to get band from visiting Thailand as a consequence
Michael ***************
Richard is BS in Thailand. I would never listen to him.

A trouble maker who uses bait and click to stoke his very big ego.

Even Thai Visa rejects him.
Yeni *******
Heart breaking. I hope compassion reaches whoever it needs to for things to change. This is shameful 😞
Martin *********
Just been fined at Bangkok airport my flight was cancelled for the 6th so they fine me 1000 today .
Ken ******
Good thing travel insurance covers this.
Roy ***********
@Martin ********
That is not very nice. But did you get a new visa, how is your problem solved?
Mark ********
@Martin ********
Its the old story.."YOU PAY..YOUUU PAY!!"
Steven ***************
Any truth to the story that all flights banned in and out of thailand until 16th April?
Steven ***************
@Charles ***************
. Sent you a message.
Steven ***************
@Charles ***************
. Does work. Helped a friend use it today. PM me if you need help with it.
Brett *********
Yes, one of the exemptions to the flight ban is organised repatriation flights.
Steven ***************
That makes sense. Great if your country is offering them.
Martin *********
Repatriation flights are coming in . Russian. British and others .
Martin *********
@Steven **************
flights are leaving don't ask the website check yourself.
Roger ********
@Steven **************
l have heard that
Roger ********
People need to start complaining to their Embassies. This requires a diplomatic solution.
Niamh *********
That’s what I’ve been doing, daily and attached photos too and they have been very helpful- the EU is pushing for a visa amnesty- just like extensions the Thai citizens stranded in Europe have been given
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